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Malacoda's Blog

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Posted: 23 Dec 2007 22:17 [ permalink ]
Leech stats, for the curious
Hp: 410 (410) Sp: 1254 (1254) Ep: 309 (309)

Str: Great (67), Dex: Low (78), Con: Dazzling (108), 
Int: Divine (271), Wis: Unearthly (182+), Siz: Small (25)

| Stat | Cur | Rac | Cost |
|  Con |  47 |  47 |   24 |
|  Str |  45 |  48 |   21 |
|  Int |  92 |  82 |   32 |
|  Wis |  69 |  62 |   30 |
|  Dex |  64 | 107 |    7 |

10 ss levels, 38 int/20 wis

full boons for: con,int,wis,super char; 50% spellmax, 20% str

sailor rep +4 wis

guilds: mage 35, conju 25, wanderers 2, navs 3
Posted: 30 Mar 2007 12:22 [ permalink ]
42833: huge reddish-brown jellyfish 
46976: huge transparent tendril-covered flower 
54082: a deadly and sinister spider with a cross-pattern on its back
55951: flying white dragon-shaped reptile 
66475: Minjob the uranium golem 
104027: yellow-orange flowers 
Posted: 06 Feb 2007 03:58 [ permalink ]
Color         Power                                        Each  |
Pale green    heals one crew member by up to 1000          3k   ||
Pale blue     heals one group of crew by up to 1000        5k   ||
Orange        heals all of crew by up to 1000              10k  ||
Bright green  heals one crew member to full                15k  ||
Grey          restores one crewmember to consciousness     15k  ||
Sky blue      heals one group of crew by up to 5000,            ||
               divided, higher rank receives priority      25k  ||
Navy blue     heals one group of crew by up to 4000,            ||
               divided, greater need receives priority     25k  ||
White         restores all of crew to consciousness        65k  ||
Yellow        heals all of crew by up to 20000, divided,        ||
               higher rank receives priority               65k  ||
Red           heals all of crew by up to 16000, divided,        ||
               greater need receives priority              75k  ||
Blue          heals one group of crew to full              80k  ||
Golem grey    restores all ship's golems to consciousness  150k ||
Silver        heals all of crew to full                    300k ||
                                              or make your own!  |
Posted: 27 Dec 2006 03:44 [ permalink ]
Darvenport [merchant]: AARRRRRRR!!!! We have a new Master Shipwright joining
our ranks!
 Congratulations to Malacoda!!

                    |    |    |
                   )_)  )_)  )_)
      ---------                   /---------
        ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^
               ^^^^      ^^^

Waves crash against the shore and dragons roar!!!
    Fireworks burst over the BatCity Harbor..
    Congratulations to our newest Shipwright!


She is the second Shipwright, joining Daria!
Posted: 20 Dec 2006 19:33 [ permalink ]
You have completed the following quests:

  assault_quarters (80%) - Learn how to build quarters for assault magi.
  brig (95%) - Learn how to build a brig for holding prisoners.
  cabin (35%) - Learn how to build a captain's cabin.
  cannoneer_quarters (45%) - Learn how to build quarters for cannoneers.
  cargo (45%) - Learn how to build cargo holds.
  class2 (25%) - Upgrade a ship to class 2
  class3 (50%) - Learn how to build class 3 ships.
  class4 (75%) - Learn how to build class 4 ships.
  class5 (100%) - Learn how to build class 5 ships.
  class6 (110%) - Learn how to build class 6 ships.
  console (15%) - Add an informative console
  create (10%) - Create a new ship
  defender_quarters (50%) - Learn how to build quarters for defenders.
  defense_quarters (70%) - Learn how to build quarters for defense magi.
  galley (40%) - Learn how to build a galley.
  lift_quarters (65%) - Learn how to build quarters for lift magi.
  lounge (60%) - Learn how to build a ship's lounge.
  nest (30%) - Learn how to build a crow's nest.
  sailor_quarters (30%) - Learn how to modify sailors' quarters.
  speed_quarters (55%) - Learn how to build quarters for speed magi.
  teleporter (90%) - Learn how to build a teleportation room.

You do not know of any more quests.
Posted: 04 Dec 2006 16:22 [ permalink ]
There is a sudden burst of firey orange light!
Earth grue is instantly destroyed!
Posted: 08 Nov 2006 01:25 [ permalink ]
                      Last modified September 29, 2013                       |
   JOB                            PRICE                SPECIAL ITEM (value)  |
 create (new ship/console)        225k               +3 str or con eq (25k)  |
 raise_2 (and a sailor quarters)  300k               +5 wis or dex eq (75k)  |
 raise_3                          2m                +7 wis or int eq (400k)  |
 raise_4                          1.9m              +4 hpr or dam eq (100k)  |
 raise_5                          2.4m             +10 str or con eq (200k)  |
 add_sailor_quarters              25k                                  -     |
 add_cannoneer_quarters           150k                                 -     |
 add_speed_quarters               50k                                  -     |
 add_lift_quarters                75k        Fully charged lift focus (25k)  |
 add_defense_quarters             50k                                  -     |
 add_assault_quarters             100k                Targeting dummy (10k)  |
 add_defender_quarters            150k   Magically crafted[...]shield (20k)  |
 add_console                      25k             Strange metallic box (0k)  |
 add_nest                         50k    Corpse of a black twisty oak (25k)  |
 add_cabin                        140k                 Scroll cabinet (40k)  |
 add_galley                       50k                                  -     |
 add_cargo_hold                   100k                                 -     |
 add_lounge                       100k                                 -     |
 add_teleporter                   200k                                 -     |
                           COMMON REINFORCEMENTS                             |
 speed (laen, primary hull)                                                  |
    1.5m (c3),   1.75m (c4),   2m (c5),   2.25m (c6)                         |
 speed (laen, secondary hull)                                                |
    1m (c3),   1.25m (c4),   1.5m (c5),   1.75m (c6)                         |
 speed (feathers, sails)                                                     |
    2m (c3),   2.5m (c4),   3m (c5),   3.5m (c6)                             |
 ramming damage (bloodstone, primary hull)                                   |
    1.25m (c3),   1.5m (c4),   1.75m (c5),   2m (c6)                         |
 ramming damage (bloodstone, secondary hull)                                 |
    625k (c3),   750k (c4),   875k (c5),   1m (c6)                           |
 (For others -- hp/loyalty/resists -- inquire)                               |
 -All SPECIAL ITEMS are included in price. If you wish to provide your own,  |
  the indicated amount will be deducted from upgrade cost.                   |
 -The following jobs are currently unavailable due to lack of eq: raise_6,   |
  add_brig. If you make me the necessary items, I will do the job(s) for you |
  for a discount or free. Inquire for details.                               |
Posted: 26 Oct 2006 19:02 [ permalink ]
Druid solokills:

39216: Brother Syah is here, naked
43032: Taipei is sitting here and watching the flowers grow 
40471: a huge spider hangs from the ceiling 
58592: large steel boiler standing over the down exit
51736: Minjob the uranium golem 
88362: Sadhu, a holy man
96041: a massive entelodont
107923: a merchant is sitting around his goods
Posted: 07 Aug 2006 06:54 [ permalink ]
|You fall through a blood red hole.
|There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
|This small booth can be no bigger than five feet by five feet.
|You have to cramp yourself in to fit.  On the wall in front
|of you is a small slit where the priests talk to you as you
|confess.  There are claw marks on the walls of this booth and
|blood stains on the floor.
|Obvious exit is: east.
|Lavitz Oregano the Gnoll Patrol officer
|Lavitz wounds you on the shoulder with a painful strike.
|You tear Lavitz causing skin to freeze.
|You cut Lavitz producing large scratches.
|You successfully dodge Lavitz's pierce.
|You start concentrating on the skill.
|Lavitz is in a good shape.
|Lavitz successfully dodges your futile slash.
|Lavitz sinks you making hair burn.
|Lavitz incises you inducing a nasty lesion.
|Lavitz attacks and swings again, ripping open your side!
|Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.
|You are standing in the foyer of the church tower.  This room is
|huge.  The ceiling must be at least 100 feet tall.  The ceiling is
|covered with elaborate paintings and ornamental decorations.  A
|large archway leads south.  There are confessional booths on the
|east and west walls.
|Obvious exits are: n, s, e and w.
|an acolyte pondering life is walking here
|You start concentrating on the skill.
|Lavitz arrives from west.
|Lavitz recognizes your higher rank in the pack, and bows its head.
|Lavitz misses you.
|You score a CRITICAL hit!
|Smiling devilishly you uncontrollably slash Lavitz causing heart tissue to
|fly everywhere.
|You cut Lavitz making an artery explode.
|Lavitz is in bad shape.
|You are prepared to do the skill.
|You hit Lavitz brutally in the abdomen annihilating living tissue AND quickly
|hit again!
|You hit Lavitz hard in the hand severing an artery AND quickly hit again!
|Using your mastery of Bladed Fury you hit extra HARD!
|Your inhumanly cruel onslaught on Lavitz causes it to collapse upon the
|writhing in sheer agony as it begs and pleads for death to save it from the
|Lavitz lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
|You score a CRITICAL hit!
|Grinning diabolically you cruelly slash Lavitz inducing the heart to totally
|Lavitz suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently, then
|falls to the .ground, lifeless.
|Lavitz is DEAD, R.I.P.
|The demon tells you 'You gain 125 points for killing Lavitz.'
Posted: 28 Jul 2005 15:08 [ permalink ]
acid_arrow                 first_aid                  protect_weapon
acid_rain                  flame_arrow                protection_from_evil
acid_wind                  flaming_ice                protection_from_good
all_seeing_eye             flex_shield                psi_blast
anti_magic_field           flip                       psibolt
appraise                   floating                   psionic_shield
aura_detection             floating_disc              psychic_sanctuary
aura_of_hate               floating_letters           psychic_shout
banish                     force_absorption           quicksilver
baptize                    force_dome                 rain
bash                       force_shield               regeneration
battlecry                  forest_location            remote_banking
blacksmithing              fresh_pants                remove_scar
blast_lightning            frost_insulation           repair_item
bless                      glance                     replenish_energy
bless_armament             go                         resist_disintegrate
blessing_of_tarmalen       good_berry                 resist_dispel
blurred_image              guardian_angel             resist_entropy
burial_ceremony            haste                      resist_gaseous_form
call_pigeon                heal_self                  restore
camouflage                 hear_noises                satiate_person
camping                    heat_reduction             scouting
cardiac_stimulation        heavy_weight               sculpture
cash_flow                  hiding                     see_invisible
ceremony                   holy_way                   see_magic
chain_lightning            identify                   see_the_light
chaos_bolt                 indoors_disguise           sewing
chill_touch                inform                     sex_change
clairvoyance               infravision                shapechange
cold_tolerance             invisibility               shelter
compare                    iron_will                  shield_of_faith
cone_of_cold               kata                       shocking_grasp
consider                   leather_craft              skinning
corrosion_shield           lessen_poison              slip
create_air_armour          levin_bolt                 sneak
create_food                life_link                  soul_hold
credit_check               light                      soul_shield
cure_critical_wounds       lightning_bolt             stargazing
cure_player                locate_water               suffocation
curse_of_tarmalen          location_memory            summon_lesser_spores
damn_armament              lumberjacking              teleport_with_error
dark_baptism               magic_dispersion           teleport_without_error
darkfire                   magic_missile              tempt
darkness                   magic_wave                 terror
deaths_door                mana_shield                there_not_there
desecrate_ground           meditation                 thorn_spray
destructive_rage           mental_glance              torch_creation
detect_alignment           mental_watch               toxic_dilution
detect_poison              meteor_swarm               toxic_immunity
detect_race                mind_blast                 track
dimension_door             mind_store                 transmute_self
dispel_magical_protection  mirror_image               (nickname UHL)
displacement               mobile_cannon              unpain
disruption                 moon_sense                 unstable_mutation
drying_wind                natural_renewal            unstun
earth_skin                 neutralize_field           vacuum_ball
energy_channeling          outdoors_disguise          vacuum_bolt
ether_boundary             pain_threshold             venom_strike
exchange_money             phaze_shift                ventriloquism
feather_weight             plastic_surgery            vine_mantle
field_of_fear              poison_blast               water_walking
field_of_light             poison_spray               wilderness_location
fire_blast                 possessions                wipe_tracks
fire_building              preserve_corpse            wizard_eye
fire_walking               protect_armour             woodland_stealth
firebolt                   protect_item