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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Black Friday EQ Deals

28 Nov 2014 19:50
In honor of one of the largest retail sales days of the year, for the US at
least, could we have something similar for 1 day in Batmud? Few variations for
this could be EQ mobs drop double eq (potentially)? Or maybe certain areas
that are having "sales" mobs could have a chance to drop some high level items
that they do not regularly drop? This may be something that highbies could
abuse, so to tweak it, reduce the chances of the items dropping. This would be
fun and engaging, especially to those who always get the Black Friday day off.
A great way to sit on the couch with the laptop after eating a piece of pie
for breakfast and potentially make some eq that normally they can never have a
chance to get themselves. It would even be great if it had a Christmas Glow
and lasted for a short period of time like Santa gifts. Thanksgiving isn't an
international holiday, but I thank we could all be thankful for something new
and exciting.

347d, 21h, 12m, 11s old