Oct 30 2009, 03:30 PM
Hi, to all past and present beastmaster quild members I have a question. I notice we have tons of guild quests now, but they dont give any info about any sort of bonus they might instill. So I do one yesterday thinking it might tell me what i won for completing. All it says it congrats you completed the quest. Are any sort of bonuses offered for doing these things. I can't find any info. I hope they arent just for fun, cause it wasnt much fun doing the one i did yesterday.
Nov 1 2009, 04:06 PM
After doing a few more of these quests, im starting to think they may be adding to my skills. my tame mount skill is at 102 now. Its possible it did that from use, but i really havent used tame mount that much. I wish I got some kind of message if that is the case. Other guilds ive been in have been a little more up front about the bonus from doing guild quests. Shrug
Nov 1 2009, 04:35 PM
Yes you get +cha and +skill bonuses to some skills when doing those quests. No idea what quest gives what, or is it based on how many quests you've made.
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