
We've been running Batclient v1.97 with JProfiler, in order to find further clues into what affects negatively the speed of our game client. As starters, we ran a simple test-run of "20 west" a few times, only having the text window opened.

The conclusion of the (very simple and short) test was that we don't have anything significant to report, yet. It seems that there are no easy places where to optimize (in the the client code), which would in turn positively affect the overall speed of the client.

Most of the time is spent in Java-specific code for printing text into the windows. Network code, triggers, scripts and such do not seem to take up that much time at all compared to the actual Java components. We will still try with e.g. 100+ triggers, to see whether this affects the profiling. But, rebuilding such as Java's own JTextPane would be a serious amount of work: coming up with a fast method of painting text onto a canvas, handling marking of text (and how it should be painted), etc.. thus, this option is off the table (for now).

Transparency affects 6.8%, while total of printing is 15%. Turning off transparency on the mass-output text window(s) should thus affect the speed somewhat.

Any further cues to the reported issue(s) would be appreciated from anyone. You can also contact me in-game for further discussions, or alternatively use the client-channel.