Needing help with these. Please post if you have done anything. I suck in coding but here is what I have came up so far.
SCRIPT_NAME = "EntityStuff";


This script will lite the msg when entity is done with skill.

Also it will catch which entity you have summoned (transform
works too) and change global variable @EntitySkill to current
skill, so you can use in action buttons command like:
'@gem cmd use @EntitySkill at @selectedTarget'
It also give /entity macro to change it, if something goes wrong
or you log in with your entity already summoned.

@selectedTarget is being updated automatically by clicking a word.
This script also gives /t macro to set target, even there might be
better way to work on targetting. Studies continue.

Let's keep fingers crossed and hope that this script would also
someday would do something useful :P

You can contact me uki@batmud.
My time is even more limited than my skills, which aren't good either :(
But I'll try to help, and always ready to hear good ideas and hints.

And I have no idea, does magic entity gives those same messages.
Someone could inform me about it


void bootup(){
    "^Your entity is prepared to do the skill[.]$",
    false, true, false,
    new Color[]{new Color(0, 127, 127)}, Font.PLAIN);

    "^([A-ZDEVa-zde',._-]+) the (fire|air|water|earth|magic) entity bows submissively before you.$",
    "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".entity %2",
    false, false, false,
    null, Font.PLAIN);

    "^(Fire|Air|Water|Earth|Magic) entity bows submissively before you.$",
    "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".entity %1",
    false, false, false,
    null, Font.PLAIN);

    "^Your entity warps and bends, eventually transforming into ([A-ZDEVa-zde',._-]+), a ([a-zde]+) (fire|air|water|earth|magic) entity.$",
    "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".entity %3",
    false, false, false,
    null, Font.PLAIN);

    "^Your entity warps and bends, eventually transforming into A ([A-ZDEVa-zde]+) (fire|air|water|earth|magic) entity.$",
    "$"+SCRIPT_NAME+".entity %2",
    false, false, false,
    null, Font.PLAIN);

  macroManager.newMacro("t", "/set selectedTarget=%1;party report Now targeting: %1;gem cmd target %1");

  // this macro is quite useless, you can use also '$EntityStuff.entity <type>' to change entity type if
  // something goes wrong with trigger or you have entity ready when you start client
  macroManager.newMacro("entity", "$EntityStuff.entity %1");

void entity(){
    if (argument == null || "".equals(argument)) {
        clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: usage /entity <fire|earth|water|earth|magic>\n");
    else if ("fire".equalsIgnoreCase(argument)) {
        //clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: Now using Fire Entity\n");
        gvars.set("EntitySkill", "blazing sunder");
        clientGUI.doCommand("@@party report Summoned Fire Entity");
    else if ("air".equalsIgnoreCase(argument)) {
        //clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: Now using Air Entity\n");
        gvars.set("EntitySkill", "suffocating embrace");
        clientGUI.doCommand("@@party report Summoned Air Entity");
    else if ("water".equalsIgnoreCase(argument)) {
        //clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: Now using Water Entity\n");
        gvars.set("EntitySkill", "subjugating backwash");
        clientGUI.doCommand("@@party report Summoned Water Entity");
    else if ("earth".equalsIgnoreCase(argument)) {
        //clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: Now using Earth Entity\n");
        gvars.set("EntitySkill", "earthen cover");
        clientGUI.doCommand("@@party report Summoned Earth Entity");
    else if ("magic".equalsIgnoreCase(argument)) {
        //clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: Now using Magic Entity\n");
        // what should be done here?
        clientGUI.doCommand("@@party report Summoned Magic Entity");
    else {
        clientGUI.printText("general", "EntityScript: usage /entity <fire|earth|water|earth|magic>\n");
        gvars.set("EntitySkill", "");

Really needing help with this stuff. Would be neat to do script that would show stats and rep as number. This should be possible with matcher, but using it is still total mystery to me. There is though example of it in Era's spellword scripts. Have to take look of it when have enough time and energy (like that is going to be happen anytime soon)