Wanderers is the new navigator guild that can teleport you and your party between continents.
Thou there are spells, they are not cast normally. They are created by giving your magic into the vortex creation which starts to drain your magic. Other wanderers can help the strain by helping you in the process.
Currently the joining requirements are 1 level of navigators per level of wanderers and the special rooms.
First level is 1 nav and 17 special rooms.
Second level is 2 nav and 34 special rooms.
And the final level is 3 navs and 60 special rooms.
Those are the facts. Now to my findings.
1 level of wanderers is nothing. I currently havent been able to cast a single wanderer spell (thou I think it might have something to do with my low spellmax). And even with another wanderer whos also level 1, we couldnt afford to cast the spell. Thats right. I havent gotten to the part "you succeed / you fail". I run always out of sps.
<whine>Maybe the continent travel is only for those who know all the special rooms in the game and those who have gigamillions of cash to dump in boats or ferrys.</whine>
My advice: dont join wanderers if you dont get it to at least 2 levels.