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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.squire > led mounts panic chance

02 Oct 2019 02:06
The damage level at which _led_ mounts panic and flee when struck has been
greatly increased, so smaller mounts in particular like mules and horses won't
scatter at the first magic missile.

The "floor" at which led mounts start panicking is heavily based on your
herding skill%.

Ridden mounts were untouched, and their "floor" remains much higher than led
mounts, and of course affected by other skills and items.

Thanks to Nevermore who wouldn't shut up ab*cough* who brought this matter to
my attention.

Shinarae "can't make him drink" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 108d, 21h, 7m, 59s old
200 [Wizard]