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Library: Law and the March of the Black Queen


Author: Law
Date:Jun 2 1998

 It was a terrible summer. I remember well the heat and heavy air that
pervaded our march. But more distinctly I remember the war we were preparing
to fight. There was a battle almost every day. Groups of rebels armed with
little more then farm tools continued to assail us. But they could not stop
us, we were an engine of destruction, cutting through everything in our path.
Our Master ,Grimoor ordered us, a group of 20 Chaos Warriors to march with the
Queen Zhendora towards the fabled lands of the elves. Of all the warriors in
the queen's army, the Chaos warriors were the fiercest and most able. The
queer thing about the army is that there were never bodies left behind us.
Well not identifiable ones anyways. Our Chaos blades made sure of that...
Once, I remember jumping on a rebel Giant's back and ramming "order" into his
neck. Not a drop of blood hit the dusty road. It all was drawn down my
blade,strengthening it. As "Order" fed, the giants body diminished. Soon I was
standing amid a pile of dust and leathery parchment skin...........Continued
 One day my Chaos brothers and I were ordered to storm the Fortress of Untho.
King Untho was a pain in the Queen's side. It is beieved he was helping
rebels, outfitting them and giving them information on our army. He had to be
destroted... The initial attack went perfectly. In a couple of minutes I had
slain a sprite and three cyclops's, their souls being drained into "Order" and
urging me tto kill again. I watched in horror however as Brother  Nyrorr was
barraged by a gauntlet of acid arrows sent by a rebel Thrikhren Wizard
 named Thanehand. I jumped to the wizard, hoping to honor Nyrorr by absorbing
this rebel's soul. I prepared my attack. I mentally stoked the hunger within
my blade. I could feel it's chaotic force urging me to plunge it into this
wizards heart. When I could not hold it any longer I relased my mental hold...
........BLOODLUST!!! I screamed and drove it towards the wizard. The wizard
thanehand never even flinched. He scattered a handful of dust towards my
onrushing form and said in that clicking voice of his..." Begone Minion of
Chaos" The fogs of magic enveloped me. But before I was transported to who
knows where I had the satisfaction of seeing "Order" rip through the fragile
robes of the wizard. My blurring vision had just enough time to see his form
shrink and decay as my Blade fed. Then everything went black. I woke up on a
beach. The sun was beating down on me and my armour was growing very HOT. But
worse was the voice in my head. "Order" was HUNGRY. My senses reeled from it's
mental barrage! I was able to learn from my sentient blade that we had been on
this beach for over a day! No wonder "Order" was hungry for blood! I rose to
my feet unsteadily. Looking around I saw a distat but unmistakable  sign of
where I was.  Down a long trail into a deep valley I spotted a flowing vortex
of power. Near it I could barely make out a black figure near the vortex. I
couldn't make out his face but I knew who it was. The CHAOS Lord! The scourge
of Daen-Dalar! It was my master Grimoor. I started to move towards my master
and the strange vortex at a run. It wouldn't do to make Him wait... But in a
flash of chaos magic I was there. Grimoor lowered his glowing hand and
regarded me with that stone cold face that I had feared since I joined the
brotherhood.  I figured I was to be punished for allowing a wizard to get the
best of me and to leave Nyrorr's death un-revenged. The fact that I was
powerless to prevent either was of no consequense. I knew that since I was an
acolyte.  But then Grimoor spoke, and what he said was worse then any death he
could of given me. " Law...You are to go on a quest in my will
travel to a new land by way of this vortex. There you will kill in my name.
But most importantly you will retrieve an artifact I have hidden there long
ago. There is a floating island in that realm. On it is a heavily guarded
fortress of....goodness...In that fortress is a ring. This ring contains a
strong essence of chaos. But that isn't the most important thing about it.
Also contained in the ring is a power that I believe I can use to make our
Blades even more powerful! Find me this ring. It is Known as the Ring of
Uncreation! Now Law....hold up your blade. Not wanting to displease my master,
I obeyed. I raised "Order", it's emerald length absorbing the light around it.
Then Grimoor raised his blade...the legendary "Blight". The blades touched.
"Order" and I were overwhelmed by the power coursing through us from the
Master Blade. When I gained my senses I felt a strength i had never had
before. Also I knew exactly the location of the Ring of Uncreation. I knew the
defenses guarding it, and especially the assigned guardian, A huge Crystal
Golem........When I looked up Grimoor was doing something I had never seen him
do before. He was smiling! Without a word he pointed at the whirling vortex.
Without hesitating I jumped into the magic door....The sound of Grimoor's
laughter haunting my soul. .......Now I reside here...I am still determined to
complete my quest, but I am not strong enough yet. I have recently found that
Grimoor has finally travelled to this realm as well. It turns out that the
Black Queen back home has grown too powerful. She became a minor God and
shattered our world. Grimoor insists I finish my quest, as he is busy
rebuilding our former glory. And so I wait.  This realm is nothing. It will
soon be conquered by Chaos. Or not...that is how Chaos works. 
