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Library: Network Processing


Author: Pirotessa
Date:Oct 17 1996

One of the major tasks of the network, its cronies and front groups, and such
is what it refers to as "information processing".  In english, this is trying
to find out useful information about their enemies, and using this information
against their enemies.

General Structure -- The network keeps "folders" on its enemies on an
individual basis.  There is typically a single person assigned to an enemies
folder, for instance Duncan is assigned to keep "vital, damaging information"
on Piiki.  The "folders" are:  1) often quite  long, and use somewhat
incomprehensible langauge, one has to knowtypical "network-speak" (ie. "If
Duncan can't clear Piiki soon, its likely he'll crash himself" might mean I
think "Duncan is going to leave or defect soon"), 2) often contain incorrect,
wild, or irrelevant data, but are believed to always contain much "damning"
and "conspiratoral" info, and 3) tried to keep as secret about as possible,
except when using them to threaten the person the folder is about.

Note the folder's continued use of "petnames" or "nicknames".  This can done
for a number of reasons, 1) the network believes names are arbitrary, 2)
possibly for legal reasons, and 3) in many cases the network doesn't know
their enemies real name, or is not allowed to know it.  Note howDuncan uses
all japanesse nicknames, this is the same pretensive  Duncan that pretends to
hate that language and gets pissed whenever  anyone speaks it to him.

As an example, this is what Piiki's network folder contains.  Please note that
I myself make no assurance of the truth or un-truth of this information.  

It tells how Piiki crashed the principal window and bumped his head with a
ball during a baseball game, and still got him to sign the ball. The network
entry actually says this: "On the collision of a psuedo-spherical shaped
projectile, minus a few intended deformations, known to the common populace as
a "baseball", in general harmonic falling motion in relation to the ground,
and a stationary, in relation to the ground, clear, to visible wavelengths of
light, glass window.  Due to the fact that if Piiki had not impacted the ball
with a finished wooden stick-like device, known to the common populace as a
"bat", but the incident didn't happen, then Piiki  would not be at cause, nor
if forementioned did happen but the preliminary incident was nil Piiki would
not be at cause, such the conclusion is that  Piiki is at cause over the
incident." And that's just the part about hitting the ball through the window.
 Its ironic that network-speak claims to be "precise, concise, and
unassuming". In the intrests of not making this take forever, my summary (and
only my summary) continues:

It tells how the Their Group participated in the School's Sport games, adding
their own touch to the games. It tells of Piiki's first love,

note:  "Their Group" -- for lack of a better term, the network folder uses
something akin to "Piiki and friends" or "Piiki's clique/circle".

with a boy
in her art class. It tells of Piiki's twin sister. It tells how the boy was
injured in an accident, paralizing his right arm, thus making him unable to
paint, and of a ripped Piiki's portrait. It tells how Piiki's twin sister
provided strength for the boy, and how gradually he falls in love with her and
proposed her. It tells how she died, and how Piiki and the boy grieved over
her. It tells how "Their Group" advanced to the next grade, and how they
graduate, and the commencement  they arranged. It tells of the tragedy
befalling <the other girl>.  

NO COMMENT It tells the love triangle between Piiki, Tamura, and the
Vice-president  girl, and later, the love triangle between Chibi, Oki, and
Piiki. It  tells of Chibi's struggle to become a basketball player (Chibi is
short,  and basketball players are supposed to be tall), of another triangle 
between Piiki, Chibi, and Chibi's friend (who's a very skilled woman 
basketball player), of how Oki and <the other girl> . . .


. . . of how Chibi and Oki gotten into a fight for Piiki, thus threatening to
break the group, of how Chibi won't be able to play basketball ever  again
because of the fight. It also tells of how Oki died while mountain  climbing
and of the group's grief.

[some technical data deleted]

It tells about a devious plan The Group did to "matchmake" their two  teachers
during their highschool days.

It tells of the new generation in Piiki's old highschool, following the
tradition set by Piiki and her Group.  Of how Piiki teached in her old
highschool. Of how she met the troublemakers (typical highschool gang  lead by
an interesting guy), "handled" them, and ended the problem.  It tells how
Piiki finally decided she loves Chibi . . .

[it goes on, but I'm getting bored]
