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Library: the Attic of Babel


Author: merja
Date:Mar 25 2007

Take them out of sight
Those failed dreams
And lock tightly the doors
So that the dust settles
Securing all that ever was
And ever shall be
Out of sight and intangible
I never want to think of
The person I do not remember
Whose voice I never heard
And whose life never touched mine.
She is pushed behind the cobwebbed timbers
And I cannot say that name
For it is a forgotten word
And like so many others, fade away.
People growing old after me
Shall know no tales from before me
Because it is only I who exists
Proven by the oldest of books.
And no one dares defy their faith in me
In the one with the closed door.
Leave it sealed shut,
Tighten all those numerous locks
It must never be revealed.
Scattered are the only clues
To all that ever was
And ever shall be
Out of sight and intangible.

