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Library: What would you do?


Author: capula
Date:Aug 25 2005

I asked some random people, if they would get free lvl 100 nonrebirth reinc
with any background and any guildcombos (hcbat style), what would they make of

Desotarion tells you 'evilrelig loc spider conju'

Kyo tells you 'evilrel crimso nunna ss'

Kreator tells you 'evilrelig bardireaverspidernavi'

Peelo tells you 'nomad crimso/mage/spider'

Gotrek tells you 'grelig nun-conjurer-25tarma

Conquer tells you 'evilrelig tiger priest / 18 spider / 2 navs'

Kawasa tells you 'good relig tarmanun+20conju'

Eronk tells you 'evilrelig crimsotarmaconj'

Delveling tells you 'magical sabre bard chaneeler'

Daria tells you 'good_religious merchant/bard/tarmalen'

Panthos tells you 'civ monkpriestconju'

Toag tells you 'evil_relig priest+channeller+20 spider

And my choise would be? magical civmagetigernun and why? Just for fun :) I
could flip my align for partymode as a nun or solo after flip as a tiger:)
