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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.archers > hop back and ep use

13 Jul 2011 21:04
We're going to try a modification on ep use in the guild. Hop back now costs
endurance points, based on a couple things.
-- using a bow costs 5 eps per row you hop back.
-- using a sling costs half as much.
-- crossbows don't use any extra eps when hopping back.
This should not affect the first shot fired per combat (because you can fire
out of combat from any row), nor should it affect times you hop back when you
didn't need to (i.e. firing a bow from the 3rd row).

Takes effect at reboot. We'll see if this brings the guild ep costs into line
with other guilds.

Shinarae Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 211d, 6h, 12m, 35s old
200 [Wizard]