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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Player Recruitment

07 Sep 2019 20:20
The elephant in the room. I was looking back at, a log and
found that on Thursday March 2nd, 23:40, of 2006
there were 196 unidle mortals and a total of 265 mortals
logged onto the game.

Obviously reaching out to irl people we know will be
more likely than grabbing some stranger off the internet
however we could be doing somethings to create an online
presence that we just... don't do and it's minimal time
to do them

Reddit: Wizards please put together a nice comprehensive
post on reddit.

Imgur: Do you know how many grown ass people, who LOVE D&D
but have no friends anymore to meet up with would CHOMP
at the BIT to play a game like this? We can spread the word
easily with a few gifs of batmud and some pics etc.

Facebook advertising: I know how much I've donated myself,
and that's enough to pay for facebook advertising. Take some
money (stop pissing it away on beer for a quick second)
and buy targeted advertising.

Hire a PR/advertising company: This is a no brainer. I mean,
we hired a company to make our custom client. Our steam plans
are in the dumper. We could use a person to help promote us.

In-Game-Incentives: If I reccomend someone, and that person
sticks with the game enough to make 100m exp they're most likely
staying around for a long time. Or even donating themselves.
I should get a ridiculous in game bonus for that. RIDICULOUSLY
enticing so that irl I nag my friends until they just can't
STAND it anymore.

Please start a thread on this. Tell me why none of this works
that's fine but please offer solutions.

2y, 219d, 12h, 28m, 49s old