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07 Jan 2013 18:52
I'm using batclient 1.99j on Peppermint OS (an Ubuntu 12.04 derivative). When a resize the main window (The one with all the tabs, where you enter commands) left or right, the input box grows larger and larger as long as I resize; eventually filling the entire window. The only way to make it smaller is by typing until the text goes to a new line, at which point the entire text box will resize for two lines.

Also related is when I type a message that take up two lines, the input box stays the height of two lines of text after hitting enter. To get it back to one line I have to type until the text starts a new line, then erase it back to only one line.

Also since this is my first time posting I don't wanna sound like I'm complaining. BatMUD is my first MUD and I'm LOVING it so far!! Thanks to everyone who puts all the hard work into it!
3d, 3h, 22m, 32s old
08 Jan 2013 17:14
Two other things I've noticed, which may or may not be bugs...

On the wicked witch quest you can give poisoned candy to the inquisitor's guard as many times as you want and gain experience each time.

Also on the same setup I mentioned before, if a dialog requires "more" (a broker search or help file for example), then there will be a few lines missing from each section when you hit more. You have to scroll back a couple lines to read them. I think it may be that there's a set amount that it thinks the window can hold, and if the window has been resized then that amount is no longer correct.
3d, 3h, 22m, 32s old
16 Jan 2013 21:26
Your first issue.

This is a glitch/bug. I also would like the text box to stay one line. As has been recorded before, playing with the size of the prompt box can cause problems..

Somehow, in the next version this needs to be fixed, I avoid it since I found a "tolerable" setting, but this could be disastrous if someone played around with it during the heat of imminent battle.
40d, 9h, 57m, 52s old