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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.barbarian > Small Barbarian's Solo Play and Rep Gain

04 Feb 2018 16:49
Disclaimer: I have no idea how the actual barb rep gain from monster bodies is
calculated, except that it is tied at least on some level to the monster size.
These are just my observations.
As a small barb with only part of the barbarian levels my solo seems to lack
two things: rep gain and usage of barb battle skills. For "good" solo
rate I kill too small monsters (typically 4-7k), while only monsters around 10k
and above yield any rep consistently. What I seem to be getting while soloing
is 30-50 rep at most per hour.

Also I don't usually bother with battlecry as it does not seem to do much good
when on low rep (currently ~9.5k). Thus, as a full ranger I seem to mostly spam
bladed fury in solo, although I have already invested over 20 levels into
barbs. The levels just sit there, waiting me to finish the guild to truly
benefit from it.

What I suggest is to tie the usage of battlecry (or/and lure) into the barb rep
gain so that when using those skills in solo (or 1 man party), the monster size
for lowest rep gain would get lowered, or lower end monsters would get a small
boost to the rep. If it seems to get all the highbies to critter mashing, then
the amount of rep boost given could be tied to the barbaric ways, or overall

I think this way of connecting barb skills to rep gain would add to the
desirability to use them while in low rep, and also affect positively small
barbs solo rep. The tuning of course should be done carefully so that it would
not benefit us too much, and the way of grinding ourselves to 50k or even
elders would not become too easy.

-- Moviae Multitrauma

61d, 11h, 34m, 24s old