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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.channellers > Golem Tests

04 Sep 2003 11:09
I would like to know why if I die during a golem test, that the test isn't
counted as being over and the golem discharged from the test grounds if it is
still alive, OR why I cannot go back in or summon it out. Two times I have
tried testing a golem and failed due to my own death, and have lost the golem
as a result. I understand that there is a risk to you, your golem, or both,
but as I see it there is no way to fail the test and keep your golem. If this
is something that is bugging or a mistake, perhaps it should be looked in to.
If it is meant to be this way, I would at the very least like to read some
where (in that big golem book perhaps) a line that says "If you choose to take
the test, and fail, you will loose your golem. As it reads now, I thought
that if I were to die, the golem would still be claimable.

I personally think this takes all the fun out of doing the tests, and not
doing the tests removes all the desire to make golems. Its easy to fail some
of the tests, and it can be quite easy to, through bad choices, to kill your
golem, and therefore loose it. If you die, you can't get back in, and the
test is over... why must I loose the golem here too. And before you say
something moronic like "go join rangers guild please" or "just don't make
golems", I ask you "Why bother allowing us to do things like make golems if
the end result is just no fun." This 'feature' or whatever removes from me a
part of this guild, a part that isn't all about faster exp rates or bigger
money monsters. But whatever, my voice is small, and nobody cares. This post
will be flamed and I'll prolly be ignored but whatever, i've vented. --REk

164d, 15h, 49m, 42s old