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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.reaver > Event

11 Apr 2010 04:09
The event has been fun indeed, personally i've enjoyed lot of the things
there, first run was a close call, we had something like 2-3 minutes left
when the boss finally rolled over and died. Second run sadly bugged and we
had druid door there waiting for us, but we did kill the style monsters tho.
Third run we had some smaller reaver people there to see things out, was
about 20minutes run and i think everyone had a good time there too.

I'd like to thank everyone who has participated on these runs, not just the
reaver guild members, but mages, healers, priests etc also. Couldn't have
done it without them. Very special thanks goes to the psionicists who joined
too, and helped lot on killing the boss with learning destructive spell from
reaver and using it for our cause. For those who didn't get to participate,
you missed out on a lot of fun, but if we indeed prevailed to win the Temple,
atleast you get some benefits after all.

2y, 71d, 6h, 34m, 9s old