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BatMUD Forums > Inform > newbie crystal

11 Mar 2007 12:29

New players will no longer get healing potions, instead they will
get an autoloading newbie crystal. This item has various specials,
including heals, light/darkness, infravision and floating. I also
moved recall to the crystal, so it won't be an instant teleport
anymore. The power of the specials will weaken as the players
advance, and the timeout between uses will grow, until the
crystal eventually vanishes.

If somebody manages to lose the crystal, or if somebody was
created before the introduction of the crystals, they can
get a new one from Saint Damogran (tell damogran crystal).

Thanks to Bmoa for sending the idea, Noctur for picking the
idea up, and Lampsa for the help with the specials.

-Era of idling

C o d e s l a v e
6y, 326d, 1h, 7m, 0s old
35 [Wizard]