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BatMUD Forums > Updates > April Events, and QOL spells

21 Mar 2016 19:17
There will not be an April Fool's event this year. I'm working on something
much larger and permanent, and I'm choosing to use my time towards that rather
than a one-shot event this time. I hope to have this completed as quickly as
possible, April the month seems possible, April First is not.

However, so that you aren't left completely empty-handed, I have added some
quality of life spells to my favorite craftsmen. Mass Feather Weight affects
every single worn or wielded item on the player you target with the spell.
Mass Protect Equipment blue glows the target player's worn and wielded eq. And
Mass Patch Item repairs the target player's entire list of worn and wielded

Each of these spells takes a 'pristine' reagent-like stackable item, which can
be traded and sold amongst players. The players most likely to cast the
required spells are the ones most likely to find the pristine items in
question. Arksa will give you the details, starting at reboot.

I hope you're not too disappointed by a lack of event, but I really hope a
bigger, better result will take its place.

Shinarae "no, this is not a double bluff" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 183d, 14h, 25m, 6s old
200 [Wizard]