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BatMUD Forums > Updates > March Madness: Quarterfinals

23 Mar 2015 14:56
Oogga fell before Asmodeus' might.
GMT crushed Wainomoinen.
Clone of Shar's truly epic run ended at Zyll.
Teapot the Chef tried to make frog's legs out of Burglefloogah. It went
exactly as predicted.
Lord Soth and Nithem came down to the wire, with Nithem winning 32:31 at the
last minute. No really, I checked the clock. I log everything.
Ix'ixixiblat inhaled the magic-eating cloud.
Bayprixces Condito fails at minesweeper.
And late entry Jason Voorhees caught Tenji alone in the woods.

Another moment of silence fot those who have fallen.

And now, the next round begins! Vote your choices into the semifinals! The big
matchup this round: Asmodeus vs. GMT. Who will survive? Who will fall by the
wayside! Vote now!

Shinarae "bracket fumble" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 70d, 8h, 35m, 58s old
200 [Wizard]