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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.lord_chaos > Loc blade

22 Sep 2002 19:53
Level: 56 Age: 131d, 20h, 29min and 30s

I think it would be time to modify loc blade so that it would actually save
the changes by itself instead of player having to save it everytime. I think
it is a bit ridiculous if there exists two separate commands for instance for
blooding the corpse and also for saving the blade. Another ridiculous thing is
that when the blade size is modified with spell chaotic warp, the changes are
not saved if the blade is not saved by the mortal. I wonder if any changes are
saved without having to save by oneself. I'm not posting this because it is
hard to save the blade, but I think that the guild should've been coded
already so that it doesn't require unnecessary work if there isn't any real
reason behind it. Functionality of the blade probably cannot be so hard that
it couldn't be saved to more flexible.