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02 Apr 2009 00:21
Batclient's CHANGELOG for v1.91 (minor revision)

As usual, not written by me.
  • "Split-scrollback" is now available. You reach the scrollback with the Page Up/Down arrows or with the Pause/Break key. To turn off scrollback mode you use the Pause/Break key. Selecting text for copy is now easier in the scrollback view since it will not break selection on incoming text. Split scrollback is default turned OFF. To turn split scrollback mode ON you have to use the tab menu and turn it on under the "Scrollback" menu.
  • The bug with scripting and printing text without a newline (last character disappearing) should be fixed.
  • The login screen should get focus now after closing the introduction frame.
  • A new command "/commands" now lists all available client commands and global variables.
  • The news bug should be fixed. Now if you add the news channel to a tab it should not close the tab if it has more channels when you quit the news reader.
  • The commandhistory with the setting to select all after enter has been fixed so you don't have to hit the up arrow twice to get the previous command.
  • The space between the prompt and the commandline text area has been reduced.
  • You can now select to echo commands to the "generic" channel when they are typed in the commandline.
  • The color of the text printed for echo commands can now be selected.
  • You can now filter realm map markers by their continent. You can also search by their continent in the textbox. For example searching for "Laenor" will show both markers with Laenor in their name and all markers available on that continent.
  • When you select text it will now put on scroll lock so it will not scroll and break the selection. Scroll lock is turned off whenever the selection is broken. For example when you ctrl+c to copy it or click in the commandline.
  • When holding the mouse pointer over a face icon in the party frame a larger tooltip with the icon will be displayed.

The thank you's go to the active Player Community we have behind our game client!
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
13 Apr 2009 23:50
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.93 (minor version)

Our agile "release often" -strategy (somewhat on the lines of SCRUM..if you've happened to bump into it) has brought us up with a new minor version, complimenting the new features introduced in v1.91. Enjoy!

Here's the usual, not written by myself:
  • The scroll lock thing should show more correctly now. Even if scroll lock was not ON before it would show as the window was not repainted correctly.
  • Using the mouse wheel should now work better with the split-mode scrollback. When scrolling to the bottom split-mode will be turned off.
  • You can now select if you wish to have "select all" mode on the commandline history when using up/down arrow.
  • When scrolling in the split-mode scrollback by dragging the bar with the mouse if the bar is at bottom when the mouse button is released split-mode will be turned off.
  • Using the up/down buttons in the scrollbar should now put focus to the last used commandline.
  • Realm map markers should now also save correctly with the continent field.
  • The bug with clientGUI.printText and html colors should be fixed.
  • When creating new markers for the realm map their tooltip will now display correct information. (Old markers need to be recreated for new html).
  • The bug with the face image in the party window when swapping locations should be fixed now.
  • When creating a new party focus will be kept at the commandline when the new party window pops up.

A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
21 Apr 2009 16:48
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.94 (minor version)

The latest changes and additions:
  • Transparency and certain unix window managers should now work better together. (For example Ubuntu).
  • You can now set the battleframe scrollback buffer size by right clicking on the window.
  • You can now maximize most frames by right clicking (from menu) in the top bar or in the window.
  • The scroll lock bug in the battle frame should be fixed.
  • The external libs for the realm map has been updated to most current version.
  • It is now possible to clear the buff frame from all current effects in the right-click popup menu.
  • The /macrolist command now lists macros sorted by their name.
  • Scroll lock should now function correctly when the scrollback buffer gets filled.
  • You can now give an argument to the /cls command to clear a specific channel. Example "/cls battle".
  • Logging should now produce less garbage newline characters.
  • Two new commands /buffertop /bufferbottom can be assigned to keys or used from commandline. These will put the scrollbar to top or bottom of the window that belongs to the last used commandline.
  • It is now possible to add exclude filters (by the marker types) to the realm map. If you wish to exclude all fort markers simply add an exclude for "fort". (These also save to file between sessions.)
  • You can now assign the command "/BossSwitch" to a keybinding (default shift+ctrl+B). This funny little command will turn batclient into a featureless notepad with the title "Very important stuff". Hit the key again to turn the notepad back into batclient. If you wish to use separate keys you can also bind "/BossArrive" and "/BossDepart" to keys.
  • Center on movement with the realm map should now function better. It will only center when you actually move into a new coordinate. Several updates sent to client with the same coordinate will not center the view now as it would previously making it very hard to to use the scroll feature together with the center toggle.
  • When moving on the map your own marker should no longer get printed "double".
  • The bug with scroll-lock and default config has been fixed. Scroll-lock bugged previously in a fresh install first time you started the client.
  • A bug with the scrollback buffer size and the way text were "cut" off from the top has been fixed. Everytime the buffer gets filled now it will cut off 10% of the buffer.
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
03 Mar 2011 19:53
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.97 (feature version)

The latest changes and additions:
  • /alias command now lists all aliases.
  • Alias replacement now only replaces whole words. Ex. An alias for "port" in the string "I am ported from all pubs." Will NOT replace the port string in the "ported" word.
  • Default font on Mac OS X should now be set to monospaced.
  • Using command+q on Mac OS X will now save the client before it quits.
  • It is now possible to change wallpaper of the client with scripts using the clientGUI.setWallpaper(imagePath) method. The imagePath can be either a path to a file on the local filesystem or an URL to a web resource.
  • The mud server can now "push" a wallpaper to the client using special control codes. Wallpaper "push" can be turned off in the client settings.
  • It is now possible to save a reference to a window created by a script and re-add it to the desktop by calling setVisible(true) on it again.
  • The mapFrame example script shows how this is done. The client will save the reference to the window and re-add it to the desktop before it is set visible again so you only have to save your own reference and setVisible on it for it to work. In order to save memory you should assign your window reference to null if you do not wish to keep the window for later use so the garbage collector can take care of it.
  • You can now set vertical and horizontal action buttons to always on top.
  • The taskbar at the bottom of the screen now defaults to hidden. The ESC key or /quit command will now open a menu with the same options available as the taskbar. In the settings you can also enable the taskbar to show at the bottom of the screen instead of using the quit menu.
  • Two new commands are now available to show and hide the taskbar. /taskbarShow /taskbarHide
  • A few ways to use client UI when creating basic components in scripts are now available. Check out the new example script: ui.bcs from the help menu.
  • Canceling the colorpicker when selecting ANSI should now actually abort selection and not set anything.
  • You can now use the /search command to search for text in the current textpanel from the commandline. Ex "/search bat". Searching the same word several times will find more previous matches.
  • The action buttons are now swappable between vertical and horizontal. Right click on the topbar of the buttonframe to switch mode. The commands are now changed to /ActionButtons1 /ActionButtons2 to show/hide the frames. The keybind actions to trigger different action buttons are now /actionbuttons1=action /actionbuttons2=action.
  • The buff frame now has a bunch of new grid modes for showing text + icons in a single column. Right click on the buff frame to switch grid mode.
  • A new action monitor has been added that shows spell and skill progress. It is available from the settings menu.

Download client from (will auto-update for all existing users)
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
11 Jun 2011 17:14
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.99 (last of the line of v1 breed)

Before our work begins on the next generation client, the development team wanted to bring you these changes and additions:

  • Text window output has been greatly improved regarding speed. Overall speed (based on time spent inside actual drawing methods) on all text windows has been reduced by a factor of approximately 3. That means three times faster text output! Timing tests based on movements (20 n 20 s on the map) in-game shows that v1.97 took approx 1500 ms with the map view visible and approx 3000 ms without the map. In v1.99 the same tests shows with the map view visible approx 350 ms and approx 1000 without the map. So, if you have been using v1.97 without the map, and switch over to use the map in v1.99 you will have text output speed increased with x8.5 for world movement. Overall speed (such as combat rounds) is still x3 improvement.
  • The old '/partyTarget0-9' should now work as command as well as '/PartyTarget0-9'. Clicking on the party window should now also set the correct target.
  • A new settings for "show menu at mouse cursor" has been added. It will display the ESC menu at the mouse cursor when the bottom task bar is hidden.
  • A new option to set wallpaper with brigheness parameter has been added for scripts. Example: clientGUI.setWallpaper("mywallpaper.jpg", 1.3f); The float value represents brightness. 0.9 means 10% darker, 1.3 means 30% brighter.
  • /list /help command has been updated with a few missing entries.
  • Actionbutton frames are now transparent. The action buttons now simulates a "click" visually when you use them through keybindings.
  • You can now assign/set actionbuttons through scripts/plugins. setActionButton(int type, int button, String title, String action, String customImageURL) Type is 1 or 2 (depending on which button frame to set), button is 0-23 for button index, customImageURL is a filepath or URL to a custom image to use for the button.
  • Actionmonitor now has "auto-hide" and "enabled" options.
  • The "hang" bug with the actionmonitor should be fixed (was especially visible during Battle as a 2 second freeze!)
  • New sound player features. From commandline: /playfx=URL /playmusic=URL (fades in/out) /playloop=URL (loops the file) /stopmusic (stops currently playing music) /stopsound=URL URL can either be a local filepath or an URL to a website file. In scripts you can now access the variable "soundPlayer" which is available in the interfaces as SoundPlayer. For plugins you can access the sound player from the getClientGUI().getSoundPlayer().
  • A new tooltip manager has been added that can be used to display tooltips. The tooltips can be turned off/on in the settings menu. Some internal tooltips for the client will use this new system but it is also available in scripts and plugins. In scripts it has the variable "tooltipManager" and in plugins you can access the manager with getClientGUI().getBatTooltipManager().

Download BatMUD's Batclient from (will auto-update for all existing users).
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
09 Aug 2011 00:44
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.99f (REALLY last of the line of v1 breed)

We have fixed the issues what have ridiculed the v1.99. The fixed release should be blazingly fast compared to the previous! As usual, log from the devs:

  • The "slowness over time" bug should be gone!
  • Right clicking on the batclient desktop now opens the "esc" menu.
  • The settings menu now has a few new submenus to make it a bit smaller for low resolution screens.
  • The default connection to the server now uses SSL (secure socket layer). You can turn this off at the login screen for a non-secure connection.
  • When editing action buttons the commandline should receive focus when done.
  • Clicking on an empty party slot now sends focus to the last used commandline.
  • A new command /clearallactionbuttons has been added that will clear all buttons, both vertical and horizontal. Beware it WILL clear your buttons!
  • The delete button should now work when selecting a full line in the commandline.
  • Auto-reconnect now triggers 3 seconds after a lost connection instead of 10 milliseconds to prevent spam.

Download BatMUD's Batclient from (will auto-update for all existing users using the main-download).
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
04 Jun 2012 19:33
Batclient CHANGELOG v1.99h ("truly" last of the line of v1.00 breed?)

Fresh off the Development:
  • Prompt in commandline should now be default OFF.
  • Hiding scrollbar should now show text at the bottom of the screen and keep scrolling along with text.
  • It is now possible to PG UP/DOWN in textwindows without scrollbar.
  • New graphics for the action buttons to show F1 and SHIFT+F1 instead of just 1.
  • New features implemented for custom game protocol codes allowing plugins to add listeners for custom messages sent from the game. In practice this will allow game wizards to write game code and client plugins without having to update the client source code.
  • Pressing DOWN in the commandline (in no-multiline mode) will save the current written text into the commandline history.
  • It is now possible to log everything received from the game, including all ANSI and client codes. This log also include timestamps to allow real-time playback. You turn on the logging from the menu Settings - logging (all data)
  • It is also possible to log everything printed in all windows from menu Settings - Logging (all windows).
  • Tab completion (from comamnd history) now scans from most recent sent to oldest command sent.
  • Full line tab completion recoded to complete more than the first word.
  • You may now split up commands with ; character in keybindings.
  • Horizontal scrollbar should no longer accidently be visible in textwindows.
  • New graphics for some internal popup windows.
  • New 3-year (digicert) cerificate installed which should remove some certificate problems that may have been present after the current certificate was outdated.
  • Empty lines materializing at the bottom of the screen should be removed.
  • You can now turn on to log ANSI data with the logger.
  • Some issues with triggers and partial lites should be resolved.
  • Updates to some help files for scripting regarding "argument" variable.
  • When you close the party out of formation frame with the close button it will no longer auto-popup.
  • Https links should now show correctly with mouse hover.
  • Some bugs with turning off ANSI should be fixed.
  • The right-click menus on most windows now include a "close" option.

Play & download the game client (Windows, Mac, Linux,..) for free from
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
11 Jun 2012 19:10
Batclient CHANGELOG for v1.99i (still some characters left in the v1.99 -series?)

Hot off the printing machine, latest changes and additions:
  • News and Login windows are now default "Always on top"
  • Bugs introduced in 1.99h with clicking text should be fixed
  • A new feature "Playback tool" has been added under the Settings - Logging menu. With this you can play logs created using the special "Playback log" feature. It can only be used in offline mode
  • Auto logging options are now avaible for the playback and "all window" logging
  • When using a skill without duration the action monitor will now display a green full bar

Play & download the game client (Windows, Mac, Linux,..) for free from
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]
28 Oct 2012 22:12
Batclient CHANGELOG for v1.99j (a very small update to facilitate some plugin releases)

List of latest changes, not written by me:
  • For plugin developers: A new method in the BatClientPlugin is now available to get the PluginManager. Simply use "this.getPluginManager()". This way you can fetch the plugin manager from inside a plugin and add ActionListeners for the special protocol code 99 (custom codes sent from the server for special features).
  • The interfaces package now includes a class called Version that has a static identifier for which version it is. Starting from 1.0 now. You can see the version number in the javadocs or with Version.currentVersion in code.
  • The "show prompt" feature for the command line should now work as intended.
  • The height of the EULA dialog is now 500 px so it should work on smaller screens.

Play & download the game client (Windows, Mac, Linux,..) for free from
A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 143d, 8h, 35m, 52s old
600 [Wizard]