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BatMUD Forums > Batclient >

01 Jul 2011 10:48
Ok, currently we have 2 ways of targeting stuff when using batclient

'target orc' - makes us target the orc in combat making us hit only that one particular orc and allows us to use offensive skills and spells without target (use slash). This command does NOT make the orc our @selectedTarget so we can not use buttons/commands that use @selectedTarget as target (use 'slash' @selectedTarget) to start fights.

The second way is clicking the mob's name with our mouse which makes it the @selectedTarget in batclient. This allows us to use commands like 'use 'slash' @selectedTarget' (which can be tied to button F1 for example). This however does NOT allow us to use skills without target (use slash) and I dont think it makes us hit only that particular monster either.

Is there / could there be a way to tie these 2 together so that 'target' command would also make the target my @selectedTarget and clicking the mob name would work the same way as 'target' command.

For example if I walk into a room with 3 orcs and I want to kill orc 2, I would be able to do the following:

target orc 2
Hit F1 button that has the action: use 'slash' @selectedTarget
Then I would start the fight by slashing orc 2 and targeting it the whole time

OR if I want to use mouse for targeting

click 'orc 2' with mouse
Hit F1 button that has the action: use 'slash' @selectedTarget
Then I would start the fight by slashing orc 2 and targeting it the whole time

I guess there should also be a toggle for it in case some people want to use the old 'target orc 2' to hit orc 2 and their mouse to choose orc 3 as @selectedTarget for their spells or some other madness like that.
7y, 312d, 3h, 51m, 34s old
23 Nov 2012 12:14
agreed, support this request :)
N e w b i e  H e l p e r
5m, 15s old