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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.sailor > Re: lowbie ship damage

04 Apr 2008 16:50
I have a class 2 ship (yes, I know...) and every time after about 3 or 4 trips
from one island to another, my hull has moderate damage. Now, assuming my ship
isn't made out of balsa wood and bubblegum, this seems excessive. I don't
think that I am ramming into sea lions, at least I get no messages to that
effect, so I assume that is just the wear and tear of the waves, which seems a
bit much.
I know it isn't a huge deal to repair, but it is a pain to do once or twice a
day. And if you forget to do it even once, get ready for misery. Class 2 ships
are slow enough. With moderate hull damage you won't make it there before

1y, 96d, 12h, 49m, 15s old
07 Apr 2008 20:39
Marvin wrote:
I have a class 2 ship (yes, I know...) and every time after about 3 or 4 trips
from one island to another, my hull has moderate damage. Now, assuming my ship
isn't made out of balsa wood and bubblegum, this seems excessive. I don't
think that I am ramming into sea lions, at least I get no messages to that
effect, so I assume that is just the wear and tear of the waves, which seems a
bit much.
I know it isn't a huge deal to repair, but it is a pain to do once or twice a
day. And if you forget to do it even once, get ready for misery. Class 2 ships
are slow enough. With moderate hull damage you won't make it there before

I guess I take this back. While my ship's hull does quickly deteriorate (from
freshly repaired to moderate damage after three one-way runs between luce and
roth), my ship's speed is not slowing at all. Perhaps this is a bug as I'm not
sure what is intended, but at least for right now ship hull damage is not
causing a problem.

1y, 98d, 19h, 35m, 59s old