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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.squire > Re: Intercontinental flight

08 Mar 2014 22:10
The skill 'overland flight' (like the spell 'go') doesn't work in deep-ocean.
And I know 'overland' is in the skill name, I just think an Ancient Drake
should be able to fly between continents. Well, other than hitting "20 NE"

112d, 4h, 41m, 23s old
26 Mar 2014 22:46
Angry wrote:
The skill 'overland flight' (like the spell 'go') doesn't work in deep-ocean.
And I know 'overland' is in the skill name, I just think an Ancient Drake
should be able to fly between continents. Well, other than hitting "20 NE"
Low skill % should cause a similar incident that occurred with that Malaysian
Flight! R.I.P.

317d, 5h, 48m, 41s old