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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.liberator > tasks and areanames

12 Sep 2014 12:50
How about instead of giving just a monster or room, the ghosts would also give
the name of the area. Then if you don't know the room or monster, you have
some idea of where to go looking.

And further reading for motivation of this request. ( btw, I'm sure this
change could apply for nuns too).
Yes this is supposed to be a boost in playability, this way you can find the
area and go searching, otherwise you have to rely on knowledge of the game.
Now then, for almost 17k rooms in the game and I'm sure there are many
thousand monsters too, no one can remember all of those. So people rely on
logs. And even if you have logged your entire playing history, you still might
just have not visited an area or seen a certain monster in it. Then people
turn to their friends or nosunrise's service, which, of course, rely on logs.

When I started the game, I didn't see any disclaimer that You should log
everything, since you will need to refer to those later on. Some monsters can
probably be pinpointed to an area by name alone, and some rooms too, but a
vast majority are rather generic.

But if you know that you are in the right area, it can be fun looking for the
certain room or monster, but you need to know atleast being in the right area.


3y, 104d, 13h, 36m, 35s old