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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.squire > Re: Tame those unridable beasts

15 Dec 2015 21:31
Outworld has many unique and rare animals wait to be tamed by our beastmaster.
Their power are to be explored. While during my exploring, I found it quite
disappointing that some very cool beasts can't be tamed. Like o'wisp, flytrap
and etc.
Someone may argue that they are not animals! But imo tame mount is a skill for
one to get trust by creature and teach them to follow the bm. In that way, i
think any of outworld monsters shall be tamed. Some maybe powerful so its
harder to tame. Some may be more intelligent, for example, the o'wisp, shall
take higher tame skill to tame, since they are smarter and thus harder to be
tamed. But it's should not be that they cannot be ride, be the reason to
seperate them from other tamable monsters.
My suggestion is to let these recently no-tamable monster to be tamable, and to
make it more logical, make them unrideable instead. So we can still lead them,
using feral attacks. That will make it more fun :)

181d, 2h, 47m, 31s old
15 Dec 2015 21:33
Lanaya wrote:
Outworld has many unique and rare animals wait to be tamed by our beastmaster.
Their power are to be explored. While during my exploring, I found it quite
disappointing that some very cool beasts can't be tamed. Like o'wisp, flytrap
and etc.
Someone may argue that they are not animals! But imo tame mount is a skill for
one to get trust by creature and teach them to follow the bm. In that way, i
think any of outworld monsters shall be tamed. Some maybe powerful so its
harder to tame. Some may be more intelligent, for example, the o'wisp, shall
take higher tame skill to tame, since they are smarter and thus harder to be
tamed. But it's should not be that they cannot be ride, be the reason to
seperate them from other tamable monsters.
My suggestion is to let these recently no-tamable monster to be tamable, and to
make it more logical, make them unrideable instead. So we can still lead them,
using feral attacks. That will make it more fun :)
I think it would be nice if each beast was easier to tame with the right tasty
treat in your possession.

But this might be going a bit too tamagotchi.

That ancient chaos drake loves the taste of pears.

260d, 9h, 38m, 42s old