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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Why This Newbie Left

01 Mar 2023 21:55
As part of the Christmas celebration, the barbarian guild offers up the
opportunity of ‘raping a goat’ and thereby gaining a reward of

I spoke with a wizard and asked that the dynamic be removed because rape is not
funny. I know that killing in general is not funny, the difference being that
the NA statistics say that "1 out of every 6 American women has been the
victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime” which means
rape is much more ‘real’ to me, and it is not a joke.

I did offer an alternative game dynamic (with the goat-demon Krampus) which was
not accepted (I guess—I never heard back and the goat remaine in the
game). Instead, an element of ‘kinky’ was introduced which was
humorous but it does not (and cannot) make rape funny.

This not the only area of the game I found to be problematic. Yes, I asked for
the ‘black savages’ to be edited, and I was relieved when so many
other players agreed that the descriptor had been 'racist AF'.

I understand that many of these areas were built 25-30 years ago by people who
thought <whatever> would be ‘funny’. And I get that you want
to honour the original builders. But the world has changed and so is your
player base. There are more international players. There are more women.

Batmud claims to want new players, but it is not clear if you want new players
(international and/or women) or if you want reincarnations of old players.
Those ‘bits’ of Batmud that someone thought funny in 1990 (or
later)? Other people may find them to be not funny in 2021. And sometimes, it
is not-funny enough to drive players away. They are why this newbie left. (And
it seems I am not the first: )

I do want to say thanks to all the people who helped, advised, and kept good
company with me in the last few months-Baroque, Dagnarille, Endure, Hicks, Jkk,
Koho, Morkzar, Tikku (and more).

I did tried to return all the borrowed eq, leave me a message if I
didn’t. I will check for messages in a few weeks.

48d, 9h, 38m, 31s old
01 Mar 2023 21:55
While I do agree that there were some problematic descriptions that needed to
be tweaked before steam launch, I completely disagree with "censoring", batmud
is a fantasy game and full of conflict and things that could be thought of as
racist. Dwarves hate orcs, elfs hate drows who have black complexion, did
anyone even try to ask them whats up with the hate? I do agree rape is not fun
and according to statistics very much a real problem, but I do not agree a
goat in batmud is a cause of the problem. Its a freaking string of characters.
I do not believe removing said goat makes those NA statistics any prettier, or
if it would, NA players, behave yourselves, we know who you are.
To me, and many others batmud is not a place for politics, its a place for
players from many backgrounds to gather together and have fun together, maybe,
just maybe the goat is a reminder such problem exists in the real world.

There is a finnish stereotype that a man gets drunk and chases his family out
to the snow with an axe. That stereotype does not stop existing by removing
all the axes from the game, not even by removing all males from the game. Now
if you really want to change the world, go do something about those NA
statistics, by making a world a better place via batmud probably reaches about
10 players, or who plays barbarians anyways.

Also, batmud is loosely based on history and does not represent the world as
we see it and history has been known to be more cruel than the present.

If we start removing all aspects of the game that could offend someone, we
will end up with a chat room where you can not say anything, so maybe just fix
the most blatant ones and leave the rest be. Batmud is not a safe place, and
has never been, it used to be way harsher back in the day. I do not want to
make it a political battleground, that humbuggery can exist in the real world.

Batmud is not even gender-equal, even though statwise it is, there are areas
or items that are gender restricted, lets not fix that either, in fact batmud
is very advanced in that sense, sex change spell has existed for long.

Ps: Who said the goat does not give consent

Pps: If some female player comes to me telling she cried the whole time while
raping that goat, I may be persuaded to alter my views, but if think riding
animals is animal abuse, maybe dont go riding or don't play a tzarakk and if
you don't like the amount of red meat eaten in batmud, find an alternative
diet, do not force the change on everyone

Searc 'Woke as fuck' R'otta

3y, 122d, 16h, 53m, 56s old