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BatMUD Forums > Mudcon.campcon > Re: Pre-campcon gathering

02 Jun 2006 18:01
To everyone coming/staying at my place for next thurs needs to tell me how they
are connecting to I-465 (the loop that runs around the city). From there, I can
give you directions/phone number to my house and you can come whenever, just a
time estimate would be appriciated.
Everyone staying with aruthra (banba, blayke, nina, garou, tyril) will need to
get directions to his house. He will be home around 3pm that day, so if you are
coming earlier than that, let me know and you\'ll get my directions. Then it
will be cocktails, concert, and lastly titties. going to say these same rules
apply from campcon:
-In-game fights may NOT be brought to the camp (gathering)
-Stay home if you are a fighting drunk.

and my own:
-I will not babysit or bail you out of jail. :)

other than that, those on my list of attendees:
Ssmud, Chickity, Merioli, Keno, Kragan, Blayke, Nina, Lazarus, Artea, Dutois,
Kumanga, Pangi, Tyril, Banba, Garou

If i missed someone, please let me know. If you want to come to the
show/gathering, let me know, and if you can\'t come, definately let me know.

I\'m excited to have everyone here! See you all next week.


192d, 23h, 34m, 56s old
02 Jun 2006 18:01
Just to reiterate Everlast\'s post concerning Thursday.....

For any interested (those of you staying at my place or otherwise), I am
hosting a Happy Hour of sorts at my place with drinks and cocktails before I
head out to the concert and looking at boobs. The wife and I had a huge
\"stock-the-bar\"/housewarming party last week and I have about 8 bottles of
wine, about 15 bottles of hard liquor (including tequila / margarita mix &
several bottles of Absolut & Stoli) and several cases of beer stored up. I
figure this happy hour will help everyone save $$$ on liquor at the bars and
helps me clear my fridge of some of this alcohol!

Same rules as Everlast applies, no grudges/fighiting etc.., also please don\'t
break anything or pull any stupid shit or I would have to deal with

If you smoke (tobacco or otherwise), have to do it in our backyard which is
lots of nice shade and nicely sheltered from neighborhood.

Disclaimer: We have 2 cats and a parrot, parrot is a chatty little p0nk. Please
don\'t feed alcohol to any of them.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again & meeting some of you for the first
time next week.


318d, 16h, 24m, 24s old