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BatMUD Forums > Inform > Crimson Moon Event

01 Nov 2009 01:58
The coming of the Crimson Moon was met with full force by the players of
BatMUD. The random insanity-driven monsters that plague the lands were hunted
down and exterminated, the magical-altering crystal spires were nullified and
shattered, and the minions of the demon Kurenakuma were slaughtered almost as
soon as they entered our realm.

The visitor Solas Rex will remain in the Arelium candy shop for a while
longer. He has rewards for any who participated in the event, so stop by and
see him while you have the chance.

Shinarae Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 112d, 12h, 38m, 33s old
200 [Wizard]