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Posted: 01 Jun 2006 01:33 [ permalink ]
Uh oh, apparently I forgot to blog last night before I ran off to the gym. 
Well, no biggie, I'll get caught up here tonight instead.  The Memorial Day
weekend is now past for '06.  Daily temps soared into the low 90's all 3 days.
 Each morning, I was out in the timber hauling out more and more tops for fire
wood.  I'm working my way northeast across a ridge line.  Once I finish this
spot out, I'll either go back and recheck a few spots that was recently logged
out again for more tops or head back to the center and work north and west.  A
few more years and I'll have the north section "cleared" out and then I can
work back to the south.  And by a few more years, I mean a few more decades at
my current pace.  It doesn't help that there is an oak wilt going through the
timber now, so I'm cutting down dead oak trees as I come to them.  More

On Sat. afternoon, I stayed around the farm to do a few clean-up type chores. 
On Sunday afternoon, we went to watch my brother race at the Dubuque Co. race
track.  He ended up placing 3rd in his field, good enough to make the money. 
On Monday afternoon, my brother stopped out for our family bbq.  Afterwards,
he loaded up his old truck with firewood and headed home, and then hilarity
ensued.  We get a call from him letting us know that he broke down and we need
to bring the cattle trailer to haul the wood home since the truck was dead. 
Well, it wasn't dead, it was on 3 wheels.  Apparently, the rear right wheel
sheared off near the axle and shot off into the ditch.  My brother was
fortunate and was able to steer it off onto a wide gravel shoulder without
tipping over.  So, on the hottest day of the year so far, my parents and I are
over throwing wood off the crippled truck and into the trailer.  Then, we
hauled it to his place and unloaded and stacked for him.  So much for my
afternoon nap. 8(  Anyways, we laughed at my brother at his misfortune.  I'm
sure by next weekend, he'll have a new 250 dollar pickup to take over where
this one died.

Then today, I had to reboot the desktop PC and like normal, something went
wrong.  This time, the video card driver decided to go away and I came up in
600x400 resolution with 4 color display.  It took me an hour to finally find
the right driver to update to get my monitor to work right again.  *sigh* 
Then, I went and re-installed ClearCase again to get that working, of course
another reboot.  This time, I'm getting mshta.exe errors now when I try to
open one of my web applications.  Bah, fucking Dell computers.

Weighed in last night at a nifty 182 which I'm happy with considering I didn't
eat all that healthy over the weekend.  With the shortened week and an
upcoming fishing weekend planned, I'm hoping I weigh at 182 by next Mon.
night.  New goal is to get down to 170 before the end of August, which is a
reasonable 1lb/week if my body doesn't decide to stop losing weight.  I'm
thinking around 170 I should be getting downa to where I shouldn't need to
lose more than another 5 pounds or so to reclaim my old figure.  However, I
won't know for sure until I get there.  I may have more losing than I think! 
Tonight's blog brought to you by "Her Strut" Bob Seger