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Posted: 14 Aug 2006 03:55 [ permalink ]
Another week has come and pretty much gone once again.  Went home to the farm
this weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday today (Sunday).  On Saturday, I
started the process of getting stuff out of the back of one shed to get ready
for the upcoming farm sale.  I got the 5 bottom plow, the broadcast seeder,
and my Camaro out so I could start putting the last half of this upcoming
winter wood supply in their place.  Getting the plow out was the most work, as
it hadn't been used in 10+ years, so there was several items in the way that
had to be moved.  Said items included, but not limited to (1) old engine
belonging to my brother, (3) broadcast seeders for parts, (4) used tires, (1)
old walking plow, and several bundles of lathe.  Needless to say, it took me
almost a half an hour to get that stuff all moved out of the way.  Then I had
a rough time getting the Camaro to start since it had been sitting for a few
months since the last time I started it.  I decided I'm going to put it on the
sale as well, since I'm not driving it, and well, I just don't trust it for
longer drives.  Maybe with some luck, my brother can find a buyer for it
before that time, we'll see.  A little extra cash never hurts. 8)  

So I basically killed most of the day Sat. with all of the moving along with
church in the evening.  So Sunday, I was busy and got 4 trailer loads of wood
put into the shed before lunch.  Lunch was pretty good, as Dad typically does
a grill-out for his birthday.  Mmm...grilled t-bone steak and chicken.  My
bro-in-law and 3 of3 of my nieces and nephew stopped over as well.  An early
afternoon of chatting with the family, and then I was on the road by 4:30 to
get ahead of the coming rain.  And then I'm here at work.  Not sure what that
says about me.    

How ironic, I finally get an evening where I can blather away on some thoughts
of mine, and I can't come up with much of anything worth blathering about.   
Murphy reigns supreme it would seem.  Tonight's blog entry brought to you by
"Colors" Crossfade.