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Posted: 17 Apr 2007 11:29 [ permalink ]
Hmm, amazing... it seems I can cast word of spite with damage criticality!
Ofcourse it's on a fumble, as most of those seem to have dam crit when
fumbling offensive spells. I guess the friday the 13th negative luck is still
fucking up my spells.

You are done with the chant.
You speak the ancient Word of Spite 'torrfra'
You falter and fumble the spell. Amazingly it fires upon yourself.
Horrible screaming fills your mind!
You now feel very confident about your ability to smite down members of the
catfolk race.
Targets of race catfolk are added to your list.
Your fingertips are surrounded with swirling ENERGY as you cast the spell.
You watch with astonishment as your word of spite hits yourself.