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Whitewarrior's Blog >> 36008

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Posted: 23 Jan 2008 02:56 [ permalink ]
| Skill                          |  %  | Skill                          |  % 
| Alertness                      |  66 | Attack                         | 114
| Axes                           | 114 | Bladed fury                    |  41
| Bludgeons                      |  30 | Camouflage                     |  65
| Camping                        | 105 | Combat damage analysis         |  32
| Consider                       |  10 | Dodge                          |  23
| Enhanced peer                  |  32 | Fire building                  | 100
| Forest location                |   8 | Fresh pants                    |  10
| Hiking                         |  72 | Hunting                        |  81
| Kick                           |  59 | Leather craft                  |  59
| Mastery of camping             |  10 | Mastery of fire building       |  10
| Negate offhand penalty         |  55 | Push                           |  95
| Rescue                         |  34 | Riding                         |  20
| Scouting                       |  50 | Ship scouting                  |  20
More (66%) [qpbns?]

| Short blades                   |  72 | Stargazing                     |  30
| Stun                           |  15 | Swim                           |  81
| Switch weapon                  |  62 | Throw weight                   |  33
| Torch creation                 |  75 | Track                          |  51
| Wipe tracks                    |  20 | Woodland stealth               |  50
| Total: 36                      |