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Sianna's Blog >> 39297

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Posted: 11 Jul 2008 01:05 [ permalink ]
an ounce of breath clasped tightly to my chest,
I speak not of the words, or people or places
but of the deep that stands between us,
that has become a gulf of stars & wild spray,
& the sea that foams and dances up above us,
turns the sun to golden fish that guide me down,
down in the depths where my heartbeat falters
& the sacred face of joy will open up her eyes,
& the deep that has been without a voice
will sing for me, a diver who is ignorent of love,
it sings not of words but of a shining beauty
& so it draws me downward, always downward,
i am a diver painted blue with silence,
striped with currents; etched with bands of gold,
& all my life is trailing up behind me,
billowing & boiling up within a silver cloud.