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Breca's Blog >> 45534

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Posted: 02 May 2009 05:08 [ permalink ]
You tell Azura 'of course not. I got the schizophrenia when I was 4 years old.
 I saw Africans in my visions.'
Info: Slowdive recovers from link death.
Info: Nikana goes link dead.
Info: Regidor recovers from link death.
Azura tilts his head in thought.
Azura begins to ride Sabre.
Khayman arrives from east.
Azura waves happily.
Azura rides out east.
Khayman steps into the portal.
Blayke HANDLES east.
Info: Rigger goes link dead.
You tell Azura 'but I didn't become mentally retarded though. I got the
 stronger version of schizophrenia in 2006, because I had psychotic episodes
 1998, 2004 and 2006. I was violent in '98 and '04. I have learned it is much
 nicer if I am violent than if I am "understanding". Because I get threats and
 "vittuilua" if I am "understanding", and I get nothing if I am violent,
 the police get interested in me.'