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Moss's Blog >> 45844

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Posted: 20 May 2009 11:01 [ permalink ]
Favorit <bat>: You don't have to send it to 3 channels :)
Favorit <bat>: I'm sure people can see it :)
Garffin [bat]: ? why not send it to three channels?
Favorit <bat>: What's the point of it?
Favorit <bat>: Most people listen to most of the channels
Favorit <bat>: They get your message 3 times.
Wintergreen [wanted]: mage and archer fer xp
Moss (wanted): what?
Channel chat is now on.
Moss (chat): what?
Channel newbie is now on.
Moss (newbie): what?
Moss (sales): what?
Moss (bat): what?
Juo (wanted): zap moss a bit
Arno (bat): In the butt!
Moss (wanted): nono
Favorit <bat>: let's see... what do we do with moss today