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Posted: 20 Jul 2009 07:38 [ permalink ]
Hmm. BIRSIR<R, ODIN BIRSIR<R. Compassionate Odinism, freedom and democracy to
the world. (No, I am not listening to Viking Metal at the moment, but Aswad, a
reggae band. Aswad is Arabic and means 'black'.) I know other Arabic words
like kahwa (qah'wa), like in "coffee", "kahvi". fengan kahwa or some such. and
of course, there's the Arabic word for The-God, Al-Lah. But it's all just
Arabic folk culture mixed into Christian tradition, it's not a real religion,
that Islam, it's not a religion. It's a cult, and it's a rightwing cult at
that. George W. Bush likes Islam, so does Osama bin Laden.