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Ahvensurma's Blog >> 49678

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Posted: 14 Jan 2010 18:25 [ permalink ]
Finally got my 1man play done :)
%Ahvensurma clearens his throat
%Ahvensurma says 'Once i got bored during a meeting so i skiid to Lapland and
%Ahvensurma says 'So Im going to present you a story I wrote about the trip.'
%Ahvensurma digs his notes
%Ahvensurma says '"Skiing, the noblest sport of all"'
%Ahvensurma says 'So I went to show skills and I almost ran to a tree'
%Ahvensurma says 'The weather was cold, but I felt bold'
%Ahvensurma says 'I saw a penguin freezing and shaking'
%Ahvensurma says 'so i gave it my sweater for warming'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then skied to a forest with ancient trees'
%Ahvensurma says 'there were lot of animals and a beautiful views'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then i saw a polar bear, but I raised my spear'
%Ahvensurma says 'I yelled at the bear and it ran away in fear'
%Ahvensurma says 'I increased the speed, went past some reindeers'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then I heard some howling and looked behind my shoulder'
%Ahvensurma says 'I saw a pack of wolves, reaching the runners'
%Ahvensurma says 'So I changed my tracks to a near mountain'
%Ahvensurma says 'The mountain was high and had icy peak'
%Ahvensurma says 'There I saw a lynx, chasing some white hare'
%Ahvensurma says 'But I also thought I could use some food'
%Ahvensurma says 'so I grabbed my bow and gave a horrible growl.'
%Ahvensurma says 'The lynx went all white and left its bait.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Then i shot an arrow, it went through hares marrow'
%Ahvensurma says 'and the rabbit died soon.'
%Ahvensurma says 'I made fire and ate the hares meat,'
%Ahvensurma says 'it was tender and neat so continued my trip'
%Ahvensurma says 'and skiid down the mountain.'
%Ahvensurma says 'After that I skiid to a lake.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Wind blew there and it nicely kept me awake.'
%Ahvensurma says 'I skiid pass the lake, saw a guy fishing through a hole.'
%Ahvensurma says 'But the guy had no luck so i gave him a duck'
%Ahvensurma says 'which I had caught earlier while i skied.'
%Ahvensurma says 'The man was very happy and gave me his hat'
%Ahvensurma says 'Night was coming and I was leaving'
%Ahvensurma says 'But the guy asked if i needed a lift'
%Ahvensurma says 'I said that my home is far away'
%Ahvensurma says 'but the guy just said nay'
%Ahvensurma says 'and whistled for his sledge.'
%Ahvensurma says 'He had most amazing sledge, ran by twelve of reindeers'
%Ahvensurma says 'Reindeers ran through the sky'
%Ahvensurma says 'and faster than I though, we were back at home'
%Ahvensurma says 'The guy had to return so i waved at him happily'
%Ahvensurma says 'And thanked for the lift.'
%Ahvensurma says 'What a strange man, living in Lapland'
%Ahvensurma says 'Dressed all red and having a white beard.'
%Ahvensurma says 'Somehow I felt: perhaps we will meet'
%Ahvensurma says 'Someday.'
%Ahvensurma says 'And I still have the mans hat'
%Ahvensurma digs a red christmas hat from his pocket and dramatically lifts it
to air.
%Ahvensurma bows