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Resin's Blog >> 56519

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Posted: 28 May 2012 07:09 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
As you complete the skill, you _leap_ backwards.
You fire an arrow at Hera.
You found a soft spot in Hera's hide!
*** CRITICAL shot! ***
The arrow *BLASTS* clear through Hera's torso and out the other side!
You feel the chaos pulse inside you!
You have a new TOP solo kill!
Hera suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently, then
falls to the ground, lifeless.
Hera is DEAD, R.I.P.
The magic mist around the dead Hera's neck leaps to your Kerbholz.
A new mark appears.
Your kerbholz whispers to your ear 'Mmh.. We are one step closer to capturing
them all, mortal.  Only 7 monsters remain.'