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Posted: 15 Apr 2020 00:20 [ permalink ]
Yeshua ben Pandira
(Jeshua bin Pantera), alternate spelling is Panthera. There are several
explanations for the name Pantera, Pandira, Panthera and one is that it was a
Semitic name for one or more Roman legionnaires (Roman soldiers). Other
explanations say it was a word play. Whatever the meaning, it is considered
heresy to say that Jesus of Nazareth (Christ) was the son of Pantera - and
probably he was not - but there were several Jesuses because Jesus was the
honorary name for a savior of the Jews, or perhaps a rebellion leader, even a
military figure as the name Pantera implies that its bearer was a member of
the Roman military, the Roman Army of the Antique (Classical) Times, before
the Middle Ages, that are defined as starting when Christianity actually took
on a serious foothold in the area the era has started. The Classical Times
(the Antique) saw several cultures, most notably the Hellenic and Roman
cultures, but also some others like the Gaulish and the Celtic cultures, and
the beginning of the Germanic cultural roots. Apparently during the Antique
Times the Germania Major, that included Finland, had quite primitive living
conditions where people skiid around hunting for food, and wore sometimes bear
hides, sometimes clothes sewn from yarn, and they did also agriculture,
hunter-gathering and traded with each other. War was commonplace, tribal