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Posted: 05 May 2021 16:15 [ permalink ]
Master of Magic - Caster of Magic for Windows

Caster of Magic, the enhanced edition of the original Master of Magic, is a
work of love.

It was built by the community to improve on a strategy classic. Now it's
brought a step further with Caster of Magic for Windows.

It is an upgraded edition of a classic which allows you to run it natively on
Windows for the first time, as well as supporting higher screen resolutions.

It also contains countless improvements for Caster of Magic, including new
spells, game options, UI and AI improvements. It is the ultimate edition of
Master of Magic, brought by the fans to the modern era.

Caster of Magic started out as a mod, championed by Seravy and building on top
of the already popular community patch. Caster of Magic has been a fan
favorite of the Master of Magic community and we are pleased to be able to
work with Seravy to officially integrate Caster of Magic, giving him the
recognition he deserves.
- Runs natively in Windows
- Borderless Fullscreen support and freely resizeable game window, not locked
to any specific aspect ratio
- Play against up to 13 enemy wizards each with a different personality
- Multiple game modes and map sizes
- Seamless, procedurally generated terrain
- Improved UI and production queue system
- Improved AI that offers a challenge even to veteran players
- 21 new spells
- Improved item creation