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Posted: 18 Oct 2022 10:34 [ permalink ]
bs last 100
Last 100 messages from bs channel:
[09:35]:Beow [bs]: and we go to the Moon!
[09:36]:Azagoth {bs}: minimize work! maximize creativity!
[09:36]:Beow [bs]: build a moon base! people will get more money for serving
the State of Swami
[09:36]:Azagoth {bs}: cooperation instead of competition!
[09:38]:Beow [bs]: U=RI
[09:38]:Beow [bs]: I=U/R
[09:39]:Azagoth {bs}: underground resistah
[09:40]:Beow [bs]: ulimit -u 3000 && forkbomb() { forkbomb|forkbomb & };
forkbomb && kill -9 -1
[09:40]:Beow [bs]: R=U/I
[09:41]:Azagoth {bs}: main(){fork()
[09:41]:Azagoth {bs}: lame delimiters
[09:42]:Azagoth {bs}: main(){fork();main();}
[09:42]:Azagoth {bs}: ruh
[09:46]:Beow [bs]: kill -9 -1
[09:46]:Beow [bs]: like I said
[09:46]:Beow [bs]: and loginctl
[09:46]:Azagoth {bs}: what she said
[09:47]:Beow [bs]: kill -9 = kill -KILL, and -1 = "all processes possible"
[09:47]:Azagoth {bs}: god typoing in sudo shell as we speak
[09:47]:Beow [bs]: kill -KILL -1 == "kill all processes possible with force
kill, that cannot be caught with an interrupt/exception"
[09:48]:Azagoth {bs}: oes
[09:48]:Azagoth {bs}: my handler is bigger than your handler
[09:49]:Beow [bs]: God typoes in sudo shell "torture the Muzzies, I mean the
Ukrainians, gabalaba, I speak thru Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Vlad the Impaler
Puta Putler Put In, heh heh!"
[09:49]:Beow [bs]: ok
[09:50]:Azagoth {bs}: one god of many
[09:50]:Beow [bs]: yes
[09:53]:Azagoth {bs}: don't trust the raid! separate backups geographically!
in case of dementia keep a piece of paper handy with the address with the
address with the address
[09:53]:Beow [bs]: the Romans had Mars and Jupiter and Juno and Saturn. The
Greeks had Zeus and a pantheon. The Romans copied a lot of their pantheon from
the Greeks. Not everything. I think Mars is originally Roman. So my Suuri
Maailmanhistoria says. They had originally one god: Mars. They lived in the
Latin hills, the Lattes, in the settlement/city of Rome. Etrurians and Gauls
in the north. Carthaginians and Punics in the south.
[09:54]:Beow [bs]: my computer systems are full of crap. They can be wiped out
any time. What the authorities know about me are probably in their own
systems, databases. I have no idea what OS and database managers they run.
They have their IT systems that can read and write for example my Social
Security data.
[09:57]:Beow [bs]: you know the so called Kelaviranomaiset think I am 100%
disabled. I am not. I am about 50% or 75% disabled actually. I am on a
disablement pension, that is so long in effect that I am not working. The
mental health authorities think I have undiff. sch.
[09:59]:Azagoth {bs}: i think i'm 100% too, not completely true but regarding
work it might as well be
[09:59]:Beow [bs]: yeah
[10:00]:Beow [bs]: do you collect unemployment benefits?
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: gives me time to do what ever the hell i want
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: yea
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: umm no
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: just pension
[10:00]:Beow [bs]: ok. disablement pension?
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: i'm so well off with takuueläke that i don't even get
asumistuki, which is nice
[10:00]:Azagoth {bs}: yea
[10:00]:Beow [bs]: old age retirement?
[10:01]:Beow [bs]: ok
[10:01]:Azagoth {bs}: disability
[10:01]:Beow [bs]: so did the disability come when you were born, or was it
acquired with drugs, stress, physical or mental trauma?
[10:01]:Azagoth {bs}: of now i got your undiff. sch. i'm same. "eriaistumaton
[10:01]:Beow [bs]: yeah
[10:01]:Azagoth {bs}: been on pension over 10yrs
[10:01]:Beow [bs]: so did you have a rough time when in school?
[10:01]:Azagoth {bs}: yea
[10:01]:Azagoth {bs}: bullied to hell and back
[10:02]:Beow [bs]: I got my pension in 2010 I think
[10:02]:Azagoth {bs}: 2010 or 2011 yea
[10:02]:Azagoth {bs}: we might be twins
[10:02]:Azagoth {bs}: have you checked
[10:03]:Azagoth {bs}: siamese schizofrenics separated in mental ward
[10:03]:Azagoth {bs}: with half a brain each
[10:04]:Beow [bs]: I remain very calm even though people sometimes display
knives or say they would cut me to pieces or make lobotomy to me. I have
strong nerves because of my mental health. But I become angry and aggressive,
when I am economically blackmailed/extorted. I do not like exhortion either.
No, Rebecca, I will not go to the church when there is a pandemic going on.
[10:04]:Beow [bs]: I hate my family.
[10:05]:Azagoth {bs}: i feel two ways about most things
[10:05]:Beow [bs]: but I like my fiancee. We wear rune engagement rings, that
say "RODIBORK". The rings are bronze I think.
[10:05]:Beow [bs]: ambivalence
[10:06]:Azagoth {bs}: i was diagnozed borderline younger, before psychosis'
[10:06]:Azagoth {bs}: what's plural for psychosis anyway
[10:06]:Azagoth {bs}: psychosises
[10:06]:Beow [bs]: my mind is splintered and split in half, but I have only
one personality, that displays different aspects depending on the time and the
place and the circumstances, situations.
[10:07]:Beow [bs]: You know I had several teeth pulled out and my penis
operated in urology. And I had a hernia operated. And stepped on to glass
shards. And I started a fight and got kicked in the head. And drank alcohol,
took medications, smoked cigarettes and cannabis. But coffee is good. With or
without milk
[10:08]:Azagoth {bs}: sounds nice
[10:08]:Beow [bs]: psychoses
[10:09]:Azagoth {bs}: i'm just a weird fucker sensitive to number's and
patterns and talking with other gods
[10:09]:Beow [bs]: this conversation makes me jittery, plus the caffeine is
kicking in
[10:09]:Azagoth {bs}: :D
[10:09]:Beow [bs]: Asa Goth
[10:09]:Beow [bs]: Asa God
[10:10]:Beow [bs]: Asa are from Asia, they are Ansuz=Ancestors
[10:10]:Azagoth {bs}: hot gaza
[10:10]:Azagoth {bs}: a-z and back
[10:10]:Beow [bs]: the Goths worshipped Gaut and Inguz
[10:10]:Beow [bs]: and Balthus
[10:10]:Azagoth {bs}: or "got haza"
[10:11]:Beow [bs]: no hashish for me
[10:11]:Beow [bs]: no marijuana, no cannabis, no ganja. no opioids.
[10:11]:Azagoth {bs}: just meth?
[10:12]:Beow [bs]: just the mental health drugs, perhaps a pain killer like
paracetamol or ibuprofen, and coffee and cigarettes
[10:12]:Beow [bs]: no meth! no! X-D
[10:12]:Azagoth {bs}: yeah, to each their own
[10:12]:Beow [bs]: do you want me to run against a wall again? X-D
[10:12]:Beow [bs]: I ran a hole in the wall in my old apartment.
[10:12]:Azagoth {bs}: that's a good way to see ultra black
[10:12]:Azagoth {bs}: the color right after hitting the wall
[10:13]:Beow [bs]: I hit the wall with my left olkapää. The olkapää was not
hurt nor harmed, the wall received a blow that made a hole in it.
[10:14]:Azagoth {bs}: i'm a pacifist. it means i consider the wellbeing of
walls as important as mine
[10:15]:Beow [bs]: shoulder
[10:16]:Beow [bs]: do you consider the wellbeing of shoulders as important as
[10:16]:Azagoth {bs}: they're important. if someone needs to lean
[10:16]:Azagoth {bs}: or cry on
More (95%) [qpbns?]  
[10:24]:Beow [bs]: Oi Ukko Ylijumala, Taatto Taivahinen! Ropsauta vettä
päällemme! Muista P=UI! P=UI=[V][A]=[W]
[10:24]:Beow [bs]: muistathan myös! E=mc^2=[kgm^2/s^2]=[N][m]=[J]
[10:25]:Beow [bs]: oi Seppo Ilmori! Kiroathan Anne Bernerin! Muistathan kirota
myös Juha Sipilän, oi Jahve Taatto Taivahan!
[10:26]:Beow [bs]: the Holy Ghost speaks thru me.
[10:26]:Beow [bs]: "Jesus Christ gabalaba baam huuba diiba duu"