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Posted: 16 Mar 2004 20:42 [ permalink ]
I'm feeling a bit sick,  fevered, and tired. Drained, ready for spring,
dreading another snow storm. I think that' why I found this funny... scary,
but funny. <>

I do have a new kitty though, her name is Fidget. For now she is in isolation
from Garth to give her time and space to recuperate from URI (kitty cold). She
is not doing badly, but I don't want her passing it to Garth. He spent the
morning cooing, murmuring, and mewing at her door. He's run by me a couple of
times to get in, I think he wants to play and his nose is out of joint that
there is someplace he can't go. He is the king, I should have named him Elvis.
Fidget is a sweet, very playful fidget. She loves to move and squirm and she
loves to be pet. She's also a scratcher. If I have a toy she wants she will
claw at it and my hand becomes collateral damage, I'm working on the play
no-claw concept. 

It's made things a little hectic as I need to spend time with her, then I need
to spend time with Garth, each separately. I want to make sure she is getting
enough social time so she doesn't really feel isolated in her new house. It's
been a little tiring for me since when I'm in with her I really can't do
anything other than read, I did balance my checkbook too. I try to play with
her awhile, then just sit in with her so she can relax and do her own thing
and not fear that I'm going to leave. When I leave her, I need to spend time
with Garth reassuring the boy that I haven't forgotten him. Because of some
illness that she came home with I'm trying to keep them separated for 2 weeks,
this is definitely going to be a challenge.

This just gives me excuses for why my writing exercise is not going well, but
I don't accept them as good excuses. 

I finished reading Hussein by Patrick O'brian, one of his early books but not
related to the Jack Aubrey naval series. It was a fun fiction about the
adventures of an Indian mahout (elephant rider) during the British occupation
of India. Fun, light reading. I'm part way into Post Captain and Joseph
Campbell's The Hero of a Thousand Faces.

I think I'm allergic to something in my house. I'm much better at taking cats
to the vet than taking myself to a doctor... I have no regular one and I'm not
even sure what kind of doctor I need to see. I find the human medical
profession baffling with the number of kinds of doctors doing things with
words I don't know. My last experience trying to get a doctor didn't sooth my
fears. I called trying to get an appointment with a doctor because I thought I
had pneumonia and was turned away because the person who could help me was
out. That did nothing to make me trust hospitals and doctors, I never called
back. I hate being prodded and poked like cattle. Fresh air and exercise,
that's what I need. Now if spring would just cooperate.