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Posted: 10 May 2004 16:41 [ permalink ]
Hmm, some time since last update. Progress has been little slow lately, I
haven't managed to get past level 42 due to the 300k exp needed for level 43.
Seems a bit hard to do currently, but maybe some day. :)
Basically been hanging out, idling and been in some nice parties whose members
gave me some small but usefull equs. So I finally have some +spr and +int
equs, which is nice - makes me suck a little less than previously.
I've also helped some friends with various tasks, and met not only one, but
TWO friendly wizards, who helped me with my problems and bug/typoreports. Big
thanks goes to Femko and Favorit :)
On IRL-side of things, I started at my training/workplace last week and been a
little busy with that. Hopefully things settle down after some time.