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Posted: 13 Aug 2004 10:53 [ permalink ]
After a fine few weeks of holidays, it was almost 2 months ago since my last
reinc and since I wasn't that bad a mofo as barb as I'd hoped (when/if I try
barbs again it'll be with a race that's got a larger size than Orc). Because
of the throw weight tune, I thought it might be interesting to see my loc
blade in action with a large race, so I chose Ogre. Training throw weight to
100% with a racial skill max of 78 isn't much fun, but things go quite fine
with 90% trained.
Also managed to get vampiric blow to 95% so with a ruby brooch, it's at 100%.
Since I managed to get my explore up to 50% (from 20% in my previous loc
reinc), I can now really use nav spells: rock on!
With help from Aelynn, I finished my slow reinc in two days, and this set up
sure beats my previous reinc as barb. Maybe I'll try it again some day if I
have better offtank equipment, but for now I have other plans for the future.