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Draghas's Blog

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Posted: 04 Aug 2009 00:26 [ permalink ]
Session summary:
Time: 17 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds
Experience gained: 607934
Experience lost: 6318
Experience spent: 617860
Gold difference: +5000.00
New areas explored: 2
PUUH! Still 10 rangerlevels to go.
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 10:44 [ permalink ]
The corpse digs a grave for itself and jumps in.
Oh... Right.
Posted: 29 Jul 2009 12:08 [ permalink ]
Your second set of cards are:

          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
          |2D   |    |4D   |    |3D   |    |5D   |    |AD   |
  Poker   |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |
          |   2D|    |   4D|    |   3D|    |   5D|    |   AD|
          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------

FLUSH! The machine PAYS you 3500 in gold!
Why cant you be straightflush :(
Posted: 28 Jul 2009 12:54 [ permalink ]
| Axes                           |  92 |
| Attack                         | 111 |
| Push                           | 110 |
| Bladed fury                    |  30 |
n33d m0r3 fury!11
Posted: 24 Jul 2009 09:08 [ permalink ]
Your mastery of camping allows you to sleep extra soundly.
Posted: 16 Jul 2009 20:19 [ permalink ]
You start treating Draghas.
Draghas starts treating you.
You wrap Draghas in bandages.
Draghas wraps you in bandages.
First aid 100: 1 down, 98 to go.
Posted: 29 Mar 2009 05:44 [ permalink ]
You feel a sense of accomplishment knowing you are once again unique.
You score a KILLING BLOW on Draghas!
You feel you have released a small amount of destructive energy.
Draghas is dogfood.
Draghas is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 25 Mar 2009 07:46 [ permalink ]
Experience gained: 174934
Experience lost: 18200
Experience spent: 178284
Gold difference: +48594.00
New areas explored: 9
Posted: 24 Mar 2009 23:10 [ permalink ]
hp: 100 (626) [] sp: -223 (401) [-14] ep: 278 (278) cash: 2953 [] exp: 46331
Poisons, I'm loving it!
Posted: 11 Mar 2009 14:37 [ permalink ]
Mumbaba utters the magic words 'oli isa-sammakko, aiti-sammakko ja
Mumbaba turns you into a frog.
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 21:21 [ permalink ]
You exclaim 'All men are PIGS! DIE you BASTARD!'
hp: 422 (604) [-182] sp: 399 (399) [] ep: 135 (259) cash: 0 [] exp: 25048 []
That really HURT!
You are about to DIE!
hp: -145 (604) [-567] sp: 399 (399) [] ep: 135 (259) cash: 0 [] exp: 25048 []
You die.
You regenerate astonishingly fast. You avoid the death!
You are no longer unconscious.

Navigator utters the magic words 'Creo Herbamus Satisfus'
Navigator hits Draghas twice causing a kidney to rupture.
Draghas hits Navigator once causing a small scratch.
Navigator hits Draghas thrice snapping a collarbone.
Navigator utters the magic words 'havia kauhistus pois'
You feel that Navigator doesn't enjoy your presence.
Suddenly your eyes close and when you open them you see:
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 20:04 [ permalink ]
You exclaim 'All men are PIGS! DIE you BASTARD!'
That really HURT!
Grimoor hits Draghas thrice making skull crack, forcing serious brain
hp: 30 (604) [-574] sp: 399 (399) [] ep: 259 (259) cash: 7642 [] exp: 85861 []