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Posted: 28 Jan 2024 19:11 [ permalink ]
Derfel eats Feldspar quartermaster's gourmet smoked meat dinner.
Derfel eats a serving of strawberry-topped waffles.
Derfel exclaims 'Soldiers of fate never surrender!', throws a pill inside her
mouth and swallows.
Derfel eats a pill glowing bright yellow [enh] -funky buddha-.
Derfel collapses to the ground, trashes in pain for a moment and dies. Ugly.
Derfel lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Derfel is dogfood.
Derfel is DEAD, R.I.P.
Dornier (party): what happen
Sandel (party): huh?
Ghost of Derfel [party]: oops
Posted: 27 Dec 2023 01:08 [ permalink ]
Session summary:
Time: 12 hours 54 minutes 40 seconds
Experience gained: 20639251
Experience lost: 0
Experience spent: 21000000
Gold difference: -29164.00
New areas explored: 0
Battle skill summary:
Total attacks: 31740
  Hit: 23128 Missed: 4432 Parried: 2106 Dodged: 4365 (Tumbled: 2291)
  Crits: 826 Stuns: 255 Ripostes: 0
Total received attacks: 8173
  Hit: 4124 Avoided: 2699 Parried: 0 Dodged: 2445 (Tumbled: 1095)
  Crits: 74 Stuns: 84 (Maneuvered: 46)
Posted: 22 Nov 2023 15:21 [ permalink ]
Noshinrise <terror+>: ':)' is an alias to '<8)='.
Noshinrise <terror+>: päivitin hymiöt wizuaikaan
Noshinrise <terror+>: nyt kelpaa hymyillä <8)=
Vapula [terror+]: koodaisit
Noshinrise <terror+>: tääl vaan hihittelen
Posted: 28 Sep 2023 16:26 [ permalink ]
Cordoba (bat): kannattaisko jonku vähän kattoo koodia et miten mosat targettaa
partys playereitä, tuntuu vähän ettei nyt kyllä ihan olla onnistuttu
Morkzar [bat]: vai kannattaisko tutkia miten mobien agro täällä toimiikaan?
Broetchen {bat}: vai kannattaisko vetää vittu päähän ja paeta vuorille kun
mikää ei oo koskaan hyvin ja paska peli ja silti pitää joka vitun päivä pelata
että voi valittaa
Posted: 13 Aug 2023 21:34 [ permalink ]
Guardian <bard>: Loremaster Hair approves Shalkan's guild quest 'play'!
Guardian <bard>: Loremaster Hair approves Ellash's guild quest 'play'!
[bard]: Vaykky goes 'Ooooo...'.
(bard): Stylus gasps in astonishment.
(bard): Ellash goes 'mmmmm...'.
Posted: 09 Jun 2023 13:23 [ permalink ]
[merchant]: Corrupt reaches the final level of the guild!
Acidia <merchant>: I knew it! We have corruption at the highest level!
Posted: 03 Dec 2022 18:58 [ permalink ]
[16:38]:Davian [nightlife+]: could tank if you need one
[16:47]:Davian [smoke+]: canvel that from my side too drunk to usefull
Posted: 03 Dec 2022 11:25 [ permalink ]
Pehvi [terror+]: onko joku testannu et auttaako toi severus blindfold
terrorii? se tale vähän viittais semmoseen
Amipa (terror+): laittaa sen silmille nii ei nää mitä paskaa tääl kirjotellaa
Posted: 07 Oct 2022 00:04 [ permalink ]
Cyberperson (terror+): moni muu sais varmaa enemp jos värväis kaverin avuks,
ite dorkana ajan soolona
Posted: 26 Jun 2022 22:30 [ permalink ]
barsobarb = love?

Cyberperson (terror+): emt, täl o kyl kiva pelaa suurin osa aikaa
Cyberperson (terror+): lure laulaa ja monsut kuolee
Cyberperson (terror+): sit jos vähä erehtyy liian isolle ni sit o kyl kiipelis
Movgar {terror+}: When the ape hits your eye like a big pizza pie / That's a
Posted: 20 Apr 2022 17:27 [ permalink ]
Katkoboissi (kabula+): onhatä nergali vähä semmone et rullatuolissa
suihkumoottori, oot vammane mutta tykittää
Posted: 16 Apr 2022 14:53 [ permalink ]
X tells you 'kaikenmaailman TOIMITTAJAT sitä tulevat MINUN kiltaani vähän
Posted: 02 Apr 2022 13:46 [ permalink ]
Eronk (nightlife+): but anyway I guess I need spmax for dicksize
Anatea {nightlife+}: that is what most people do and they are tools
Anatea {nightlife+}: dont be like most people
Tatza (nightlife+): Dicksize wont help if you suck :D
Posted: 31 Mar 2022 20:32 [ permalink ]
Vaf (terror+): olen selncon päin
Posted: 24 Mar 2022 17:21 [ permalink ]
[17:08]:Amipa (terror+): tekee crimsorangerin nii jo on kiva liidata
[17:09]:Nubustiina {terror+}: mmm
[17:09]:Amipa (terror+): mikää muu ei sit varmaa ookka kivaa :p
[17:09]:Nubustiina {terror+}: liidirenkkihän se olisi mukavata
[17:09]:Nubustiina {terror+}: sellanen jolla ois midas
[17:09]:Amipa (terror+): sivakkeja "expaks"
[17:09]:Vaf (terror+): ai midas runemage
[17:10]:Grizztis (terror+): näin eilen aamusta unta että olin arman alizadin
kanssa valkristin ekspapartissa, sit vallu ajo meidät autolla
pankkiautomaatille ja oli että nyt pojat donaatte midas touchit molemmat
[17:10]:(terror+): Vaf goes 'mmmmm...'.
[17:10]:Amipa (terror+): :D
[17:11]:Vaf (terror+): sehän oli hyvä uni. heräsit varmaan hymy huulilla
[17:11]:Grizztis (terror+): jooh anto energiaa päivään
[17:12]:Fovorit (terror+): hahah
[17:14]:Movgar {terror+}: :-D
[17:14]:Amipa (terror+): enneuni, kohta alizad tekee jotai dokumenttia
[17:14]:Amipa (terror+): "nää ihmiset elää näin joka päivä"
[17:14]:Nubustiina {terror+}: "siis te maksatte oikeaa rahaa tästä?"
[17:15]:Grizztis (terror+): :D
[17:15]:Amipa (terror+): arman origokuntoon kuukaudes
[17:15]:Vaf (terror+): toi mun liidaama expa parti vaa voi vähä kusta
[17:15]:Movgar {terror+}: "Kelatkaa, nää tyypit grindaa näi joka päivä"
Posted: 01 Jan 2022 04:34 [ permalink ]
(00:24) Wannabezeke tells you 'uus vuosi uusi ellashi vol.43'
Posted: 25 Dec 2021 01:06 [ permalink ]
Anatea tells you 'haipie proplems ku charge staff at all vetää yli jos
Posted: 01 Dec 2021 20:56 [ permalink ]
Last reinc: Jul 25 2018 (1225 days ago)
Congratulations! You have just completed No reincarnation!
Posted: 06 Nov 2021 14:27 [ permalink ]
A hell sent bodak utters the magic words 'omm zur semen' (Psi blast)
A hell sent bodak's fingertips are surrounded with swirling ENERGY as it casts
the spell.
The air is filled with pure energy and crackles with power.
Unseen BURSTS of magic are absorbed into the spell!
A hell sent bodak grins as its psi blast hits Tikku.
Tikku lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Tikku stops existing in this reality.
Tikku is DEAD, R.I.P.
A hell sent bodak shouts 'Tikku, I rather enjoyed killing you!'
Tikku dies.
Posted: 30 Aug 2021 18:13 [ permalink ]
Valkrist tells you 'partei tulee ja partei menee!'
Valkrist tells you 'mut vitutus on ikuista'
Posted: 16 Jun 2021 23:24 [ permalink ]
Ellash (wanted): exp/fun for newbie libedruid in 30min
Nubustiina (terror+): "newbie libedruid" she is 4y, 6d, 20h, 2min and 24s old.
Nubustiina (terror+): rankka peli kyllä tämä
Blitzerks {terror+}: se on mielentila
Posted: 04 May 2021 15:47 [ permalink ]
Anatea (party): awesome sheep :D
Anatea (party): vain ellash jutut
Anatea (party): mites monta vuotta oot pelannu animistii
Posted: 27 Apr 2021 16:20 [ permalink ]
Klint (sales): living admitted hes bot
Living (sales): i think not!
Stark [sales]: therefore you are a bot?
Posted: 13 Apr 2021 21:42 [ permalink ]
[21:40]:Caligula [bat]: Ellash has defeated Spann in the arena!
Spann says 'forgot to train offensive skill.'
Posted: 12 Apr 2021 22:35 [ permalink ]
Arenajono vai Tinder:
Tatza says 'menivät ohi jonossa! =D.'
Woltti says 'ei näköjää ollukka jono vaan tyypit voi vaan oversignaa, nooh
Merc says 'ei oo jono joo, toi systeemi matchailee noita pelaajia.'
Merc says 'lienette seuraavat.'
Gore says 'se on kun tinder. paitsi että tässä ei swaipata.'
Woocca exclaims 'joo ja tässä välillä joku mätsää!'
Posted: 26 Dec 2020 13:07 [ permalink ]
BUSTArymessi (kabula+): kaikki saa aina kaikkea, kymmeniä reinc penduja per
joulu, ite en saa koskaan ikinä mitään, paitti ressit tikulta johonki leari
Posted: 09 Dec 2020 22:11 [ permalink ]
Gatekiller (kabula+): tikun suussa napsaa, partyn membut vain rips rapsaa.
holy bolttia käyttelee hei, dd:tä ei lainkaan ei
Gatekiller (kabula+): tikku se vain dais, zeke aattelee, tää jo loppua sais
Gatekiller (kabula+): alkon viinat loppuu, iskee kova hoppuu, turnaako stigi
vielä tän, vai juoko lainkaan hän
Gatekiller (kabula+): kabula kannustaa, stigi pyyhkii rinnustaa, kuola valuu
kovaa, undikset ei saa lomaa
Gatekiller (kabula+): viinat loppu on, tikku toivoton, kääntyy puolen ponun,
se sammuttaa janon
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:41 [ permalink ]
[21:19]:Veldrin [bat]: crashiepoo?
[21:19]:Darna [bat]: yyup
[05:28]:Online (bat): elikkä tuplat expat on boottii ni kiitti
[05:28]:Online (bat): mieluummin ottasin kyl tehdyt expat ja questit takas
[05:29]:Online (bat): vittu mitä paskaa lol
[05:29]:Online (bat): keneltä katos mithril kirves saatana
[05:38]:Online (bat): kyllähän tää touhutippa tulee ihan huosuun ku kerkeen
täs aamulla 15 minuuttia tekeen takas niit kaikkia asioita
[05:31]:Online (nightlife+): on vittu hieno peli
Posted: 25 Jul 2020 22:08 [ permalink ]
Moments after dying to clones, still as a ghost...
Robin Hood arrives from the shadows, as merrily as ever.
Robin Hood took 201161 gold coins from Osku.
Robin Hood enters the shadows and promptly vanishes.
These events are so much fun!
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 21:47 [ permalink ]
Anatea (party): You add a line to your notebook (10 of 50 notes used):
Anatea (party): 10 [10.11.2019] do not life link bads
Posted: 09 Aug 2019 23:30 [ permalink ]
Dag Dag Schwingenator utters the magic words 'rikki ja poikki'
Your High-quality diamond full shield labeled as {ellash} is destroyed.

Congratulations! You have just completed Inner sanctium of magerathia!
Posted: 08 Mar 2019 12:17 [ permalink ]
Kioskipummi (kabula+): sitten saa korkata kun armageddon tshouttaa
Posted: 07 Mar 2019 18:45 [ permalink ]
Farliss (nightlife+): jesus what a bunch of fucking idiots
Posted: 02 Mar 2019 12:11 [ permalink ]
Etsivä löytää?

Zenick (party): ei löydy
Zenick (party): eikä mitää muutakaa
Zenick (party): esim esan batmud showta episode yhtä
Ellash (party): mikäs se semmone esan batmud show
Zenick (party): kuvasin aamuviideltä youtubeen
Zenick (party): sarma ehkä katto?
Zenick (party): keskustelin ratesta itsekseni
Sarmangoth [party]: alkaa toi bootti läheneen
Zenick (party): hehkutin sharia myöskin perins ratesta jo vuonna 2011
Ellash (party): kuulostaa iha hyvältä matskulta kyl
Zenick (party): sarma näki :D
Zenick (party): ei kisitä
Zenick (party): kiistä
Zenick (party): ainut joka näki
Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:27 [ permalink ]
How to eq:
?enick (party): nään alkon ikkunasta
?enick (party): haen yhen gintonic
?enick (party): protakkaan
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 23:32 [ permalink ]
Galathna grins 'My brother is a loser.'
You are prepared to do the skill.
You turn visible.
You swing your torso maker in a strong arc and hit Orc princess Galathna. Your
blow goes straight through the defences - you score a CRITICAL hit! Looks like
your blow hit where it really hurts. You skillfully twist the blade for some
extra damage! You swing around and quickly strike again, hitting nicely. You
proceed in the combination by stepping forward and slamming into your opponent
weakly. The opportunity presents itself and you kick your opponent, causing
slight bruises. Ghost of Patsy whispers 'At last!' and strikes at Orc princess
Galathna with its full might, which luckily is a decent amount. Warm feeling
fills you, and you swing one last time at your hated enemy, scoring a weak
Feeling that the new ghost is similar but stronger than ghost of Fay you
quickly dismiss the weaker one.
Carissa the journeyman peasant joins your ghost army. (id: 111)
Your Empyrean vibrates slightly as it forces the spirit of the fallen foe to
eternal perdition.
You feel somewhat better.
A large cavity replaces Orc princess Galathna's chest.
Orc princess Galathna is DEAD, R.I.P.
Your total damage is nice compared to its full potential.

Poor gal :<
Posted: 25 Dec 2018 03:45 [ permalink ]
Amoal (party): kuuntelin aika pitkään tuolla partsilla että joku pelle nauraa
Amoal (party): mut ne oliki sorsia
Posted: 15 Nov 2018 12:39 [ permalink ]
Amipa [terror+]: koffi forest
Amipa [terror+]: jotai puliukkoja wanderaa ja tikku main bossina
Posted: 02 Aug 2018 14:35 [ permalink ]
Valkrist (party): otappa joku joka olis selva?
A coalescing of ethereal substances causes your vision to blur.
When your eyes clear, Arnoldi stands before you.
Posted: 30 Mar 2018 01:10 [ permalink ]
Shamur [wanted]: scar removal
Darol <wanted>: Lion King will never be the same after that :/
Posted: 23 Mar 2018 18:57 [ permalink ]
Tikku tells you 'poistelin FB kaikki nuo ihme testit ja jutut mitkä käyttää
mun tietoja tuolla :D'
Tikku tells you '2h naputtelin melkee :DD'
Tikku tells you '"minkälainen amis olet" :D'
Posted: 30 Nov 2017 14:04 [ permalink ]
Theramon (bat): also rep bat stats guilds    for best ranked guilds in game
Khwarizmi [bat]: stats guilds help rep
Khwarizmi [bat]: stats guilds bat argh
Posted: 29 Oct 2017 07:13 [ permalink ]
Valkrist tells you 'vaatii aika kovat equt!'
Valkrist tells you 'ja rautaset hermot'
Valkrist tells you 'sulla ei oo oikein kumpaakaan!'
Posted: 06 Oct 2017 18:13 [ permalink ]
[18:10]:Porgar (terror+): olipahan päivä
[18:12]:Movgar [terror+]: oli pahan päivä \,,/. .\,,/
Posted: 13 Sep 2017 13:00 [ permalink ]
You successfully amalgamate the diamond.
You smile proudly.
You feel you lost about 0 percent (0kg) of material.
Posted: 30 Apr 2017 01:11 [ permalink ]
GLORYHOLE (kabula+): You bought a round-headed amulet <red glow> for 87706
gold coins.
GLORYHOLE (kabula+): myin päissää waino amun shoppii :D
Posted: 21 Apr 2017 17:56 [ permalink ]
Blitzerks {terror+}: The devil monkey of Zerks whispers: An army of a thousand
is easy to find but ah how difficult to find a general.
Posted: 18 Apr 2017 08:48 [ permalink ]
Long journey but it finally came to an end! (Or a new beginning?)
blog ellash 24641
You feel more humble as you feed the less fortunate.
Sister Abigail, the abbess of nuns shouts, 'Behold mortals, Sister
Ellash has been promoted to elder nun'.
[Tue Apr 18 08:33:42 2017 Nun inform ]
Sister Ellash has been promoted to elder.
Abbess Abigail tells you, 'CONGRATULATION! sister. Your efforts have not been
vain and the long and hard journey you have done to get this position has
ended. The sisterhood now recognizes you as an elder nun and as a token I hand
you this fat ruler. It was used in the dawn of nuns by Sisters of Kofgaad a
long long time ago. Carry it with pride.'
Congratulations! You have just completed Path to sainthood!
Posted: 26 Mar 2017 00:04 [ permalink ]
GLORYHOLE (kabula+): iha KIVAA vaihtelua tää nunnistelu
QUEST MASTAH (kabula+): Sullehan se on sitä samaa, kädetät joka renkissä
QUEST MASTAH (kabula+): Semmoinen KOTOINEN tunne
Posted: 22 Mar 2017 00:30 [ permalink ]
Holy bolt: #
Go-Player moans:  Has anyone seen my go-board?
You are done with the chant.
You praise the saints and raise Misty Rosary while exclaiming 'Sanctum circum'
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills your soul. Air thunders around you as immeasurable amount of energy is
drawn in you, lifting your body high in the air. At the peak of your might you
yell in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
Surges of holy force coil around your Misty Rosary forming a vibrating bolt of
divine energy. You twist your wrist and bolt hurls through the air detonating
on Player.
Player stops existing in this reality.
Player is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 06 Mar 2017 20:43 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You gaze to the heighs while holding Misty Rosary close and utter 'Ez' div'
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills your soul. Air thunders around you as immeasurable amount of energy is
drawn in you, lifting your body high in the air. At the peak of your might you
yell in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
Air crackles around you as dazzling flash erupts from your Misty Rosary and
strikes with immense power upon Beautiful drow warrior.
Posted: 04 Mar 2017 14:04 [ permalink ]
You start playing the green machine with a bet of 5000 gold.
The deck has been reshuffled.
The machine deals you some cards:

             1          2          3          4          5   
          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
          |TH   |    |JC   |    |JH   |    |QH   |    |AH   |
  Poker   |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |
          |   TH|    |   JC|    |   JH|    |   QH|    |   AH|
          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------

  Reels   [     ]    [     ]    [ =*= ]    [     ]    [     ]

Which ones would you like to keep/lock? [<RETURN> for none]
Cards to keep [separated by spaces] -> 

1 3 4 5

Your second set of cards are:
          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
          |TH   |    |KH   |    |JH   |    |QH   |    |AH   |
  Poker   |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |
          |   TH|    |   KH|    |   JH|    |   QH|    |   AH|
          -------    -------    -------    -------    -------

  Reels   [     ]    [     ]    [ =*= ]    [     ]    [     ]

You can hear Ellash bathing in a huge pile of coins!
Posted: 04 Mar 2017 13:53 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You squeeze tightly on your glimmering Misty Rosary and utter 'Ez' div'
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills your soul. Air thunders around you as immeasurable amount of energy is
drawn in you, lifting your body high in the air. At the peak of your might you
yell in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
Air crackles around you as dazzling flash erupts from your Misty Rosary and
strikes with immense power upon Agernah.
A large cavity replaces Agernah's chest.
Agernah is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 19 Jan 2017 20:59 [ permalink ]
[20:46]:Hair (nightlife+): anybody else need delivery before i have to go on a
service call?
[20:46]:Zerks {nightlife+}: i like your priorities
[20:47]:Hair (nightlife+): heh
[20:47]:Hair (nightlife+): a service call is just work, this is BATMUD!
Posted: 04 Jan 2017 23:05 [ permalink ]
[nun]: Heretic reaches tha fuckin final level of tha guild!
Posted: 01 Jan 2017 00:41 [ permalink ]
X tells you 'parhaat tarmatyypit on 1) minä tiedän ja teen kaiken ite 2) tähti
eli idle ja sitte 3) spica eli täys retardi josta voit olla varma et ku lätkin
flexit ni se flexaa kohta päälle :D'
Posted: 27 Sep 2016 13:00 [ permalink ]
Shinarea [terror+]: jos ellash reincais merfolkiks, siitä tulis salmonella
Posted: 04 May 2016 22:51 [ permalink ]
The Moment Has Arrived! The Big Jackpot Drawing For:

After careful scientific and statistical studies were made,
it was decided seers would study the entrails of a newbie
and divine the true winner. After careful study and much
bickering as to the nature of life, the Winner was found to be
You just won the Lottery! You receive 6422911 experience as the award!
Posted: 16 Apr 2016 22:18 [ permalink ]
[22:15]:Tribune (party): too drunk?
[22:16]:Tribune (party): Yes ( )   X   No ( )
Posted: 28 Mar 2016 13:41 [ permalink ]
[13:38]:Elath (terror+): päivän mietelause: oiskohan Zerks oikeesti halunnu
olla Zerk mutta teki tuolla nimellä kun Zerk oli varattu
[13:38]:Dr'Oolah (terror+): syvällisiä pohdintoja
[13:38]:Noble Bomber {terror+}: sil zerkil on aika paljo rahaaki jos tulee
pelii joskus ku aikanaa dryadi siirs sille monta megaa ja moni muuki enneku
tuli varotukset jos siirtämäs poissaoleval
[13:38]:Tylir {terror+}: päätellen charrujen tekopäivämääristä niin epäilen
tota teoriaa :P
[13:39]:Elath (terror+): :D
[13:39]:Dr'Oolah (terror+): hahaa
[13:39]:Dr'Oolah (terror+): taktisenen valinta siis tuo zerks nimi!
[13:39]:Cybermon [terror+]: tosta tuli mielee toi ulvar/ulver
Posted: 21 Mar 2016 22:08 [ permalink ]
Nun lesson #1 - Keep your turn rate up or Las will KILL you.
Also, timing is everything.

H:100/514 [+11] S:717/843 [+148] E:241/258 [+4]
Your halo shimmers as celestial hymn echoes from the heavens.
Sudden enlightment takes over you.
Angry voice of Las booms from the heavens, 'You have not turned undeads in
ages, you are a poor nun!'
Your stomach GRUMBLES.
You are HUNGRY.
You are no longer satiated.
Several scars appear all over your body.
A flash of lightning strikes you down!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
Blood pours from your wounds!
You scream in pain under extreme magical pressure, you think you are DYING!
You die.
Posted: 16 Oct 2014 14:42 [ permalink ]
Darol <sforce+>: ei oo kyl helppoo olla rurack :/ Partykaverit vaan harrastaa
seksiä ja itse joutuu jäämään jollekin wänelle ilman booneja taistelemaan
mahdotonta taistelua samaan aikaan kun muu porukka saa wizuequja kännissä :O
Posted: 12 May 2014 16:12 [ permalink ]
Glaurung (bat): You can't rescue yourself.
Glaurung (bat): You have no 'life'.
Glaurung (bat): this is such a depressing game
Posted: 18 Sep 2009 01:02 [ permalink ]
vault with sforce+, got tabard \:D/
Posted: 08 Sep 2009 20:55 [ permalink ]
LAPINGANGSTA [kabula+]: toi ellash vois vaikuttaa iha fiksulta kaverilta ellei
jo tietds mikd denso se o :D
Posted: 07 Sep 2009 00:23 [ permalink ]
You feel as of Sprite deserves a huge hug for her Birthday.
THEREFINER [kabula+]: yay sprite 100v
Posted: 18 Apr 2009 00:32 [ permalink ]
You have been banished from bat channel
until: Sat Apr 18 02:31:35 2009 by Tarken
reason:finnish, spam
Posted: 19 Mar 2009 01:17 [ permalink ]
Raztax & SBS, diced first \:D/
Also saw 9man party nearly wipe at digga trolls (the smaller ones before
showbiz&fighter) with only a few (including myself) surviving.
Posted: 09 Mar 2009 23:36 [ permalink ]
Organisaatio on kuin puu, jossa kiikkuu paljon apinoita. Joka oksalla - eri
korkeuksilla - kiipeämässä ylöspäin. Huipulle päässeet apinat katsovat
alaspäin ja näkevät puun täynnä hymyileviä naamoja. Alhaalla olevat apinat
tähyävät ylöspäin ja näkevät pelkkiä perseenreikiä.
Posted: 06 Mar 2009 01:11 [ permalink ]
Larppa tells you 'rauhoitu'
Larppa tells you 'aggressiivisuutesi peloittaa minua :O'
Larppa tells you 'olen kauhun vallassa :O'
Larppa tells you 'kuin vauhkoontunut elukka sinua pakoon luikin'
Posted: 12 Jan 2009 02:08 [ permalink ]
[02:06]:Vihattu (sforce+): ompa hyvia chilipahkinoita 
[02:06]:(sforce+): Vihattu wonders about this and that. 
[02:07]:El'Marinade (sforce+): you are what you eat 
[02:07]:El'Marinade (sforce+): NUTS. hoooooohhhhoooohohohoh 
Posted: 11 Jan 2009 12:49 [ permalink ]

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

For you see, in the end, it is between you and your true self;
It never was between you and them anyway.
Posted: 10 Jan 2009 14:19 [ permalink ]
Kops the christmas elf utters holy words praising Las and zaps the spell
dispel evil.
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills Kops the christmas elf's soul. Air thunders around her as immeasurable
amount of energy is drawn in her, lifting her body high in the air. At the
peak of her might she yells in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
Holy sparks fly around Kops the christmas elf as dazzling flash erupts from
her Feather Cross and strikes with immense power upon Praixor.
ZSSUUUAASH! The magical reflector shield flashes and sizzles but holds still.
Kops the christmas elf lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood.
Kops the christmas elf's skull splits wide open, revealing some mushy-green
Kops the christmas elf is DEAD, R.I.P.
Praixor shouts 'Kops the christmas elf died on her knees!'

A while later..

|  235125: A tall, armoured drow bodyguard stands here.
Posted: 10 Jan 2009 03:31 [ permalink ]
[03:30]:Ellash (party): tarmadruidi täst tulee
[03:30]:Ellash (party): sit aikanaa
[03:30]:Azgaroth {party}: tarma"druidi"
[03:30]:Ellash (party): no älä ny azga
[03:30]:Azgaroth {party}: tai "tarma"(druidi)
[03:30]:Alakhai (party): "tarma" "druidi" :D
[03:30]:Azgaroth {party}: :D
[03:30]:(party): Alakhai slaps a thundering high-five with Azgaroth.
[03:31]:Alakhai (party): (01:28) Azgaroth tells you 'ellakaa ei o ihan yhtä
persiistä ku viimeks'
[03:32]:Azgaroth {party}: hehe
[03:32]:Azgaroth {party}: saatoin kyl olla väärässä ku kuitenki pelkkää
leveliä ottanu :)
[03:32]:Alakhai (party): :D
[03:32]:Azgaroth {party}: eikä ees kiltaleboja joista sais stattia ja spr :D
[03:32]:Alakhai (party): ite mietin kans että missähän se ero :D
[03:32]:Ellash (party): :D
[03:32]:Ellash (party): oommä mommii treenannu!
[03:32]:Azgaroth {party}: rewls
Posted: 22 Jul 2008 22:17 [ permalink ]
|  554553: A scaled medusa with a paralyzing gaze

   Ellash rolls: 100.
Posted: 11 Jul 2008 14:35 [ permalink ]
(14:32) Brog tells you 'ei tuo kyllä ihmisen hommaa ole'
(14:32) You tell Brog 'hauskaaha tämä'
(14:33) You tell Brog 'naputella kuestia ja kikkailla newbajuttui'
Posted: 14 Jun 2008 18:25 [ permalink ]
Freld [party]: ellash o nii aktiivine ja aina pelis et melkee toivon et se ois
isotissine 150cm pitkä 16v pikku japanilaistyttö josta sais vaimo
Posted: 13 Jun 2008 16:44 [ permalink ]
Nosunrise rolls her eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt'
As Nosunrise casts the spell, she pulls out a copper rod which bursts into a
million prismatic starbursts.
Nosunrise grins as her golden arrow hits Jason Vorhees.
Magical rifts open above Nosunrise and hideous rays of POWER combine her
Info: You feel that Friday the 13th has shown its worst...or maybe not?
You hear the horrendous death-cry of the Jason Vorhees as it dies.
Jason Vorhees is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 12 Jun 2008 12:17 [ permalink ]
[May 22 12:13]:|dinfo|: Ellash is the new Winter leader!
[May 29 12:12]:|dinfo|: Ellash is the new Winter leader!
[Jun 05 12:11]:|dinfo|: Ellash is the new Winter leader!
[Jun 12 12:15]:|dinfo|: Ellash is the new Winter leader!
Posted: 26 May 2008 02:07 [ permalink ]
Axl rolls its eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt' (Golden arrow)
As Axl casts the spell, it pulls out a copper rod which bursts into a million
prismatic starbursts.
Axl grins as its golden arrow hits Alexandra.
Esachen echoes 'Cursed be blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash,
blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke,
ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash,
blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke,
ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash,
blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke,
ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash,
blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke, ellash, blayke and ellash.'
Alexandra starts levitating and vibrating violently...
Burglefloogah belches 'Die you balance whore, DIE!'
      ...and suddenly EXPLODES splattering her intestines all over you.
| 1305217: a high priestess of Esachen, protector of stability

  Congratulations! You have just completed Tides of war!
Posted: 11 Feb 2008 13:11 [ permalink ]
Ellash Fusillade is a level 35 elder of the Ent race.

Ellash (sforce+): kukas mulle ajais expaa bootin jalkee! 
(sforce+): Reima points at Ellash. 
(sforce+): Mr Shampoo points at EstonianNun. 
(sforce+): Reima points at Mr Shampoo. 
Ellash (sforce+): ei nunja mua huoli ku oon niin ewyl 
[sforce+]: EstonianNun points at Mr Shampoo. 
Reima (sforce+): nunjaha vois yllättää undeadit ampumalla puun takaa 
Reima (sforce+): hoho 
Posted: 11 Feb 2008 13:11 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells Jerkkis, Mathieu, Kohothegreat and you 'hitto. tuli sellanen
 olo että ois hieno osata soittaa kanteletta ja laulaa'
Azgaroth tells Jerkkis, Mathieu, Kohothegreat and you 'pukeutuisin wäiskiks
 ja vetäisin barry whiteä coverina'
Posted: 08 Feb 2008 00:50 [ permalink ]
|     617: a traveler heading for some destination
|   45051: a traveler heading for some destination
Posted: 16 Jan 2008 07:03 [ permalink ]
(06:24) Ottie tells you 'reincing habotzarakk in 3 days'
Ottie is a level 15 mortal of the Ent race.
(07:02) Ottie tells you 'i got a wiz to remove freeze :)'
Posted: 03 Jan 2008 23:22 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You rub your tears of Oxtoth while humbly reciting 'Ez' div' (Dispel evil)
The environment blurs with intense silvery light as IMMORTAL presence of Las
fills your soul. Air thunders around you as immeasurable amount of energy is
drawn in you, lifting your body high in the air. At the peak of your might you
yell in celestial trance 'MY LIFE FOR LAS!'
White light tangles around you as dazzling flash erupts from your tears of
Oxtoth and strikes with immense power upon Skeleton warrior.
Skeleton warrior stops existing in this reality.
Skeleton warrior is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 26 Dec 2007 01:05 [ permalink ]
Entor {bat}: holz compare yaboz torturer
Posted: 21 Dec 2007 04:03 [ permalink ]
|  977598: Lear Rotth, the undead lord superior, infuriated beyond comprehens

[03:55]:Blayke (party): oh no
[03:55]:Ghost of Shadowwar [party]: atleast dead
[03:55]:Blayke (party): it died?
[03:55]:Blayke (party): holy shit
[03:55]:Ghost of Ellash [party]: yeah seems so
[03:55]:Ghost of Kohothegreat [party]: omg
[03:55]:Blayke (party): holy fuck :D
[03:55]:Ghost of Shadowwar [party]: good lock :D
[03:55]:Boot [party]: ja
[03:55]:Tyril (party): dude.. why'd ya give up
[03:55]:Tyril (party): i rock
[03:55]:Hobo (party): I told u
[03:55]:Blayke (party): that was so fucking close its not funny
Posted: 05 Dec 2007 10:16 [ permalink ]
|  329617: the Beholder, the Warden, 'Grrzzaaah' of Prison complex
Posted: 28 Nov 2007 22:24 [ permalink ]
|  110343: A manticore, a hideous man-beast, stands here (crippled)    

|   68236: heavily armoured gargoyle knight
|   80421: huge, bulbous, geletinous mass with three large eyes
|   72587: huge swimming fish-monster with long tentacles
|   95562: a large, snarling werewolf
|  105834: the minotaur captain, in full armour, stands ready
|  149254: Xirtonne the artificer stands ready
Posted: 28 Oct 2007 23:55 [ permalink ]
The Kansas City Shuffle: a "Kansas City Shuffle" is a most clever deception,
one that requires thought on the part of the inciter and great ignorance on
the part of the deceived. The primary goal of the Kansas City Shuffle is to
catch one completely off-guard and unaware so that trickery can take place.
Posted: 30 Sep 2007 14:15 [ permalink ]
Valdec (party): meil on heikko rate :(
Ellash [party]: ihan hyvähä tuo
Ellash [party]: kun vaa ei kuolla
Dink [party]: miten toi gag toimi?
Dink [party]: tai siis miten voin gagata rate sanan?
Posted: 27 Sep 2007 22:15 [ permalink ]
Shar {wanted}: anyone need a reaverpriest? 
Shar {wanted}: we have this 1rnd spell that does crazy dam
Posted: 19 Aug 2007 12:01 [ permalink ]
Ghost of Rekcedien [ghost]: this is bullshit
Kotiwalo [ghost]: This is BatMud
Posted: 17 Aug 2007 17:51 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells Alakhai, Kohothegreat and you 'musta tulee isona iggy jos joku
keksii aikakoneen ja antaa mun käyttää sitä'
Azgaroth tells Alakhai, Kohothegreat and you 'muuten ei kai voi tulla ku oon
jo iggyä isompi'
Posted: 20 Jul 2007 10:44 [ permalink ]
Myshkin (party): minnehän sit
Reima (party): terassille
Myshkin (party): oiski terassi
Reima (party): paistaap kivasti
Myshkin (party): tai no... takapihalla on
Myshkin (party): mutta on sääskeä ja mäkärää niin perkeleesti ettei innosta
Reima (party): ei oo ku 1 olut tosin
Eksrei (party): :D
Reima (party): ota ohvia?
Reima (party): ja kohvia
Myshkin (party): ja sit haisis pahalle sielä ja kittais olutta
Reima (party): nii
Reima (party): kesä <3
Posted: 18 Jul 2007 14:05 [ permalink ]
[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: argh miks lottosin 
[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: jos voitan ni ois jo birthiexpat 
[14:00]:Myshkin (sforce+): lottohan se on parasta 
[14:00]:Solarhawk [sforce+]: dumbarse! 
[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: pitaa vetaa joku hirvee reincspree et on totalit
taas 30m 
[14:00]:Solarhawk [sforce+]: et sä ignore voita, ja jos voitat ni vedät

something strange happens...

[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: oho 
[14:00]:X (sforce+): :DDDDDD 
[14:00]:[sforce+]: Solarhawk falls down laughing. 
[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: mita vittua 
[14:00]:Iki-Teini (sforce+): REBIRTH! 
[14:00]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: HAHAHA 
[14:00]:Molotov [sforce+]: haha 
[14:00]:(sforce+): X laughs out loud. 
[14:00]:Drizzin [sforce+]: katos katos =) 
[14:01]:Solarhawk [sforce+]: se on menoo sit:) 
[14:01]:X (sforce+): nyt kyl tipahti 
[14:01]:Iki-Teini (sforce+): huomasitteks, kukaa ei valittanu et meni jolleki
joka ei tarvi! 
[14:01]:Iki-Teini (sforce+): birthaa ny vaa 
Posted: 15 Jul 2007 12:33 [ permalink ]
Mace (sforce+): minkä niminen susta tulee sit? 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: en tiia tekisinko muute 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: en tiija viela 
Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: kumminkin fukkaat senkin ja sitten tulee joku ignore2 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: mutta ehka jotain vahemman retardia 
Mace (sforce+): igonrexd vahinkobirthi 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: joo tulee joku helieignorexd 
Mace (sforce+): tee kans bludgeon :) 
Mace (sforce+): tai swordi :) 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: hmm 
Mace (sforce+): rapier! 
Astafas (sforce+): Dagger 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: haha 
Mace (sforce+): joku mikä fukkais mudwide :) 
Astafas (sforce+): tai joku Fireplace 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: :D 
Mace (sforce+): :DDD 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: fireplace ois aika kova 
[sforce+]: Whine-Bubba goes 'Heh'. 
Mace (sforce+): hahaha :) 
Posted: 14 Jul 2007 21:07 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells Kohothegreat and you 'hulluja noi kissanpennut :D'
Kohothegreat tells Azgaroth and you 'mitäs ne'
Azgaroth tells Kohothegreat and you 'joita taal mutsil oon vahtimas'
Azgaroth tells Kohothegreat and you 'kunhan sekoilevat'
Kohothegreat tells Azgaroth and you 'opeta ne mudaa'
Posted: 09 Jul 2007 16:14 [ permalink ]
|  785929: Reanimated body hosting the ancient Witch-king
|  245034: Mithrandir the Druid GuildMaster
|  666036: Shade of Mithrandir the Druid GuildMaster

| 1373868: a tall man dressed in a black robe with a hood
|  885853: a beautiful and tall woman with hair the color of pale gold

           Congratulations! You have just completed The savage coast!
           Ignore rolls: 36.
Posted: 01 Jul 2007 23:25 [ permalink ]
|  449018: a malicious red demonic creature
|  592676: Captain of the guards, the brute ogre Gaellon
|  152849: a dark titan succumbed in hellfire; Joven
| 1246000: a high priestess of Esachen, protector of stability
           Congratulations! You have just completed Tides of war!
Posted: 26 Apr 2007 17:21 [ permalink ]
Orome (legion+): im gonna make command 1 is use cardiac stimulation at ignore
Posted: 20 Apr 2007 15:48 [ permalink ]
Sir Valkrist (dsc+): laski sossun taso samantien nolliin!
Posted: 08 Apr 2007 19:50 [ permalink ]
Murdoch [nightlife+]: no other bardtanks avail that ignore? =P
Solarhawk [nightlife+]: how about a bardmerchant:)
Ignore [nightlife+]: awww, am i that bad really? :(
Solarhawk [nightlife+]: yes, you are?:)
Murdoch [nightlife+]: no idea. but u have a reputation to suck =P
Atleast i'm available! :/
Posted: 16 Feb 2007 22:41 [ permalink ]
Something incredible just happened.
Posted: 29 Sep 2006 11:13 [ permalink ]
Valdec (sforce+): Mortis says 'But you are not experienced enough, Valdec!
With quick calculations it seems that you still need 10241850 experience.'
Mr Shampoo (sforce+): sano mulle etta tarvis 119m 
Mr Shampoo (sforce+): iggy tarttis 49m 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: jeje 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: aion teha sen talla ja rykästä 
Mr Shampoo (sforce+): haaveilet 
Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: nah 
Mr Shampoo (sforce+): joudut taas reinc kierteeseen ja kohta totalit o taas
Posted: 14 Sep 2006 22:55 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells you 'jo vuosi yhdessä reinkissä ois aika raju veto'
You tell Azgaroth 'mut mietippa jos ma tekisin jottai tollast! :D'
Azgaroth tells you 'no pitais printtaa sun score ja laittaa kehyksiin :)'
Posted: 05 Sep 2006 15:52 [ permalink ]
Calmar tells you 'toi sun oli isompi'
Posted: 03 Sep 2006 15:29 [ permalink ]
Mr Shampoo (sforce+): tappoa iggylle!
Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: iggyn kuolema on kaikkien onni
Posted: 02 Sep 2006 13:24 [ permalink ]
Valdec (sforce+): onneks on vaan yks iggy
Posted: 18 Aug 2006 16:28 [ permalink ]
[16:25]:Mr Shampoo (sforce+): iggy o vasta 16 
[16:25]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: :D 
[16:25]:Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: no sen kylla voi uskoakin 
[16:25]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: melkein vallu, melkein 
[16:25]:Mr Shampoo (sforce+): 15? 
[16:26]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: 18 :| 
[16:26]:Whine-Bubba [sforce+]: ompas ihme juniori ja kun ma niin luulin etta
valdecci on junnu
[16:26]:Mr Shampoo (sforce+): ai perskules on se vanhaks tulu 
Posted: 18 Aug 2006 09:05 [ permalink ]
Mallarch tells you 'joka kerta kun fingeraa niin sulla on eri reinssi menossa
Posted: 15 Aug 2006 18:50 [ permalink ]
[18:38]:Idle-Iggy [sforce+]: Abigail, the abbess [nun]: A new nun has joined
our sisterhood. She is known as Sister Ignore 
[18:38]:Starshine [sforce+]: ja sit lahti kellot tikittaa ;) 
[18:39]:Tumbelius [sforce+]: veikkauksia otetaan vastaan, montako päivää
ignore kestää tossa killassa? 
[18:39]:Halinalle <sforce+>: viikko 
[18:39]:X-rei [sforce+]: se ees pääse kiltaan... vai pääskö jo ? 
[18:39]:Starshine [sforce+]: paasi paasi 
[18:40]:X-rei [sforce+]: on se sen verra sekasin oleva jäbä et kait se nyt
innostuu jotain kynttilöit vuolee vuoden päivät 
[18:40]:Starshine [sforce+]: ma veikkaan et iggy on siihen asti kunnes ika
tulee vastaan 
[18:40]:Starshine [sforce+]: ainaki siihen asti 
Posted: 14 Aug 2006 20:41 [ permalink ]
224554: The huge Frog of war
Posted: 26 Apr 2006 19:30 [ permalink ]
(19:28) A magic mouth shouts 'Atomska died like a DOG!'
Posted: 02 Dec 2005 18:47 [ permalink ]
Congratulations! You have just completed The lost staff! 
You receive 158805 gold as a reward for completing the quest. 
Posted: 27 Jul 2005 19:06 [ permalink ]
You tell Mallarch 'voisit ajaa mulle regainii ja repua'
Mallarch tells you 'jaa meinasin leechaa'
Mallarch tells you 'ei tartte enää ite ajaa ku on leveliä :P'
Posted: 25 Jun 2005 21:36 [ permalink ]
Ignore [party]: emma tieda
Ignore [party]: en seurannut
Darol (party): ..ku ette saanu alas :D
Ignore [party]: siin partyssa oli unessa vaha itse kukin
Dede [party]: :P
Ignore [party]: daroli oli vähä humalas ja varmaa mazzoniki ja sit aloysha
muuten vaan veti vähä hassusti :>
Ignore [party]: ja mä iha unes nuokuin tääl enkä tajunnu mitää :D
Darol (party): ai nii mähän olin samassa partissa :D
Ignore [party]: nii olit
hmm? :)
Posted: 18 Sep 2004 21:35 [ permalink ]
Teddy tells you 'ihme kaikki-mulle-heti-neebat =)'