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Josko's Blog

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Posted: 04 Apr 2005 20:28 [ permalink ]
Fingust tells you 'delam 1 quest' Fingust tells you 'dodge staff' You tell
Fingust 'zakaj si to men povedu?' Fingust tells you 'nevem'
Posted: 04 Apr 2005 19:54 [ permalink ]
Another one from HC

You lick your own leather pants labeled as Josko's MegaPants <white glow>.
Posted: 04 Apr 2005 19:33 [ permalink ]
here is one from HC

Takku {newbie}: last time I was an active wizard it was Mardus@bat telling me
he's looking at half-naked teenage girls in the web
Posted: 04 Apr 2005 18:51 [ permalink ]
a Jugoslovanski Riesling

That is an item that i found recently... First i had quite a laugh, but then
had to think about it... Jugoslavia doesnt even exists anymore..
Posted: 30 Mar 2005 23:17 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill. You hit Monk brutally in the leg
annihilating living tissue AND quickly hit again! You hit Monk lightly in the
thigh causing a small cut AND quickly hit again! Monk squeals in utter
horrifying agony as his blood and internal organs fall upon the ground. You
score a CRITICAL hit! Cackling demonically you horribly shred Monk causing
heart tissue to fly everywhere. Monk staggers for a moment, then drops to the
ground, lifeless. Monk is DEAD, R.I.P.