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Lampsa's Blog

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Posted: 02 Mar 2012 00:08 [ permalink ]
Balroc tells you 'Info: Lampsa recovers from alcoholism.'
Posted: 24 Feb 2012 23:11 [ permalink ]
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 16:02 [ permalink ]
Brock says 'etkai sää kirjota kaikkien nähtäväks mun lapsuutta =).'
Brock exclaims 'skelarit löytykööt kaapista myöhemmin!'
Posted: 12 Dec 2011 13:43 [ permalink ]
(13:41) You tell Conquer 'i can't believe you won seraphim with a moomin tank
(13:41) You tell Conquer 'this calls for a SEVERE uptune!'
(13:41) Conquer tells you 'i was so high too :d'
(13:42) You tell Conquer ':D'
(13:42) Conquer tells you 'swear to god, i get high, and when i finally came
to, seraphim was dead!'
Posted: 28 Nov 2011 16:46 [ permalink ]
Alorn tells Juggelo and you 'teist o kyl yhtä paljo hyötyä täs asiassa ku
pillusta homobileissä =)'
Posted: 01 Nov 2011 19:10 [ permalink ]
Posted: 30 Oct 2011 13:23 [ permalink ]
(31:15) And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?  
(31:16) Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of
Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there
was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.  
(31:17) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every
woman that hath known man by lying with him.
(31:18) But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with
him, keep alive for yourselves.  

++ The Bible, Book of Numbers
Posted: 06 Oct 2011 19:28 [ permalink ]
Brock tells you 'rupeeppas pukeutuun lökäreihin'
Posted: 20 Sep 2011 20:01 [ permalink ]
Bad Religion - Inner Logic

Automatons with business suits clinging black boxes,
Sequestering the blueprints of daily life
Contented, free of care, they rejoice in morning ritual
As they file like drone ant colonies to their office in the sky

I don't ask questions, don't promote demonstration,
Don't look for new consensus, don't stray from constitution
If I pierce the complexity I won't find salvation
Just the bald and overt truth of the evil and deception

There is an inner logic, and we're taught to stay far from it
It is simple and elegant, but it's cruel and antithetic
And there's no effort to reveal it

Graduated mentors stroll in marbled brick porticos
In sagacious dialog they despise their average ways
Displaying pomp and discipline, they mold their institution
Where they practice exclusion on the masses every day

Decorated warriors drill harmless kids on pavement
Simulated tyranny under red alert
Protecting the opulent and staging moral standard
They expect redemption of character and self-growth

(No equality, no opportunity, no tolerance for the progressive alternative)
Posted: 13 Aug 2011 23:39 [ permalink ]
Helikeiju tells you 'mitä ihmettä'
Helikeiju tells you 'susta tulee hihhuli?'
Helikeiju tells you 'oot uskomaton'
Helikeiju tells you 'sulta loppuu juominen ja alat hihhuliks'
Helikeiju tells you 'sä oot jo hihhuli'
Helikeiju tells you 'oot sekasi :D'
Posted: 31 Jul 2011 23:10 [ permalink ]
Grimpold tells you 'oonhan makin kayny helluntailaisten pyhakoulua :)'
Posted: 03 May 2011 20:22 [ permalink ]
Dione tells you 'en ryyppää enää koskaan .)'
Posted: 24 Apr 2011 15:02 [ permalink ]
"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all
fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak;
a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic,
racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal,
sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
- Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 23:15 [ permalink ]
Desert {camelot+}: eiköhä sitä aika monella excel chartit löydyki about
kaikesta mahollisesta
Info: Geryon enters the game.
Posted: 25 Apr 2010 21:36 [ permalink ]
Kops tells you 'mut mun sormet muistaa sinut paremmin kuin larpan!'
Kops tells you 'ja tuo kuulosti aika oudolta'
Posted: 02 Apr 2010 19:11 [ permalink ]
Stargazer tells you 'jos ois pirun notkee niin vois dipata omaa munaa sulassa
suklaassa ja sit pistää suuhunsa :D'
You tell Stargazer ':O'
Stargazer tells you 'sun syytä et tuli tollanen ajatus!'

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 20:27 [ permalink ]
Darol says 'miellän sut enemmän jonkinlaisena tarzanina joka asuu
Posted: 25 Dec 2009 00:18 [ permalink ]
Bauglir tells you ':( :( :( :/ :| :| : ) :D :D :8D 8D 8D SÄ :D'
Posted: 12 Oct 2009 21:58 [ permalink ]
Sigh (darkness+): Mut hyvä ja rakentava keskustelu saatiinki!
Darol <darkness+>: pitäs selata logia taaksepäin ja selvittää kenen vika tää
sivuraitelle päätyminen oli :)
Desert (darkness+): varmaa mun ku pyysin lampsalta faktoja
Desert (darkness+): virhe
Posted: 29 Sep 2009 19:21 [ permalink ]
Grimpold tells you 'laitan kalenteriin merkinnän "treffit lampsan kanssa ens
Posted: 03 May 2009 00:44 [ permalink ]
Jaael tells you 'oot muru, tiesithan'
Jaael tells you 'hullu, mut muru'
Posted: 16 Apr 2009 21:03 [ permalink ]
Kops tells you 'vähänkö oot aikuisen näkönen, en ois uskonu :O'
Posted: 11 Mar 2009 00:08 [ permalink ]
Brock tells you 'DC 45 F0'
You tell Brock (*sen pioneerit ties*) 'du talar hexarna!'
Brock tells you 'toki'
Brock tells you '"kolmas kotimainen"'
Posted: 08 Mar 2009 21:51 [ permalink ]
Jaael tells you 'susta sais kyl koristeellisen sisustuselementin ilman
Posted: 01 Feb 2009 23:51 [ permalink ]
Miten mudi tunetaan:
Juggelo tells you 'oon tehny naemma kannissa jotain algoritmeja, en ymmarra
yhtaan mut ne toimii'
Posted: 04 Jan 2009 21:23 [ permalink ]
Hurin tells you 'pistän remove lampsas wiz status kampanjan liikkeelle'
Posted: 07 Dec 2008 20:08 [ permalink ]
Jaael tells you 'on niin kiihottavaa kun puhut koodia'
Jaael tells you 'ala lopeta, rakas, ala vaan lopeta just nyt!'
Posted: 24 Nov 2008 22:39 [ permalink ]
Mace tells you 'ajan kohta tiamatin!'
Posted: 15 Nov 2008 18:48 [ permalink ]
Thoric tells you 'kannattaa ehka lukee mun gradu..'
Posted: 10 Nov 2008 23:09 [ permalink ]
Jaael tells you 'onks sulla sielu? o_O'
Posted: 09 Nov 2008 22:41 [ permalink ]
Juggelo tells you 'jeps, sullon hyva tyyli ajatella mut oot vaan heikko
lihakappale jolla ei ole yhtaan itsekuria'
Posted: 06 Nov 2008 19:28 [ permalink ]
(19:27) @Ulath points at you and yells 'NYT SÄ FORCEREMORT'
Posted: 14 Oct 2008 23:54 [ permalink ]
Juggelo tells you 'i whip chix'
Posted: 02 Oct 2008 21:28 [ permalink ]
(21:26) You tell Grimpold 'PELAAMAAN HUOMENNAAAA!!!!!'
(21:26) You emote to Grimpold 'TEMPTS you over to the dark side.'
(21:28) Grimpold tells you 'neuvottelen!'

Posted: 29 Sep 2008 13:40 [ permalink ]
Kyo tells you 'sieki oot puhhasta pornoa mulle'
Posted: 08 Sep 2008 22:29 [ permalink ]
(22:28) You tell Jaael ':DD:D:D:D'
(22:28) Jaael tells you '...'
(22:29) Jaael tells you 'sun empatiakompressori on viallinen'
(22:29) Jaael tells you 'FIX IT!'
(22:29) Jaael tells you 'slut.'
Posted: 04 Sep 2008 19:24 [ permalink ]
(19:23) Jaael tells you 'taidat olla ihan ainoita ihmisia jotka pitaa
suomalaista solmiodesignia eroottisena'
(19:24) Jaael tells you 'aijaa, puhut siita pimusta :D'
Posted: 01 Sep 2008 13:11 [ permalink ]
Xxx tells you 'kuinkahan säälittävää on oikeesti googlestalkata omaa siskoa ja
laittaa sit kuva tekstipelin velholle'
Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:32 [ permalink ]
Darol tells you 'Java on vähän sama ku kävis mummonsa kanssa treffeillä. Joku
saa siitäkin kicksejä, mutta koko säädöstä tulee vastenmielinen olo ja jos on
parempaa tarjolla ni vaihtaa välittömästi :O'
Posted: 17 Aug 2008 23:03 [ permalink ]
No such player (Darol).
Posted: 09 Jun 2008 16:24 [ permalink ]
Diplomi-insinöörin tutkintosi hyväksyttiin koulutusneuvoston kokouksessa.
Kopio päätöksestä lähetetään sinulle postissa ensi viikon aikana.
Valmistumispäiväsi on 9.6.2008.
Posted: 05 Jun 2008 20:07 [ permalink ]
(20:06) Jaael tells you 'taal pitais tehda suurisuuntaisia puhdistustoimia'
(20:06) Jaael tells you 'etniset puhdistuxet'
(20:06) Jaael tells you 'villakoirademolitio'
(20:06) Jaael tells you 'polykausti'
Posted: 26 May 2008 14:23 [ permalink ]
Dippa kansiin ja arvosteluun. <3
Posted: 24 May 2008 23:47 [ permalink ]
Jaael tells you 'jos romahdat ja susta tulee kuolaava idiootti, niin otan sut
Posted: 04 May 2008 20:06 [ permalink ]
(19:52) Jaael tells you 'aattelin etta panostat helluntaiheilanetsintaan'
(19:53) You tell Jaael 'iik koskas semmonen pitäs olla?'
(19:53) Jaael tells you 'aitienpaivana'
(19:53) You tell Jaael 'crap!'
(19:54) Jaael tells you 'ei paniikkia kunhan ryhdyt heti toimeen'
(19:55) You emote to Jaael 'kneels down before you.'
(19:55) You tell Jaael 'tämä tuli ehkä vähän äkkiä mutta nyt on kiire!'
(19:57) Jaael tells you 'joo, ite oon kyl ihan samoilla linjoilla'
(19:57) Jaael tells you 'et ok, mennaan vaan yhessa emmaan!'
(19:57) Jaael tells you 'ja vahemmankin dramaattinen heitto ois ollu ihan ok'
(19:57) You tell Jaael 'jee! \o/'
(19:57) Jaael tells you 'mut toi kieltamatta sopii sun tyyliin'
Posted: 24 Feb 2008 22:03 [ permalink ]
Kohothegreat tells you 'tosin sulla leveliiikkänä velhona on varmaan
ylitarjonta pildestä'
Kohothegreat tells you 'toista se on morteilla'
Posted: 11 Feb 2008 23:34 [ permalink ]
Next reinc: zombie healer.
Posted: 05 Dec 2007 13:34 [ permalink ]
[13:32]:Lampsa <turha+>: kai se ois tänää erämaan viimeinen sinkku
metsästettävä jostai
[13:32]:Typhos (turha+): ai naisseuraa TKK:lta? :)
[13:34]:Lampsa <turha+>: 'erämaan viimeinen'-sinkku!
[13:34]:Alorn [turha+]: lajinsa viimeinen
[13:34]:Lampsa <turha+>: nightwish feat. jonsu <3
Posted: 30 Nov 2007 14:36 [ permalink ]
Balthas (twiddle+): lampsa istu koulus saletisti taka pulpetis ja katteli jo
ala-asteella tyttöjen perseitä :(
Posted: 28 Nov 2007 18:42 [ permalink ]
Juggelo tells you 'nerd.'
Posted: 19 Nov 2007 11:11 [ permalink ]
(11:07) Shiga tells you 'pittää mennä kaffelle'
(11:07) Shiga tells you ':/'
(11:07) You tell Shiga 'oikein!'
(11:07) Shiga tells you 'mutta the kvestiön is: pullalla vai ilman'
(11:08) Shiga tells you 'kaffilas ois aika herkkuja ite tehtyi pullia MUT tuli
viikonloppu mässättyä kyseisil herkuil'
(11:08) @Shiga ponders about you.
(11:08) @Shiga ponders about pullat
(11:08) Shiga tells you 'tarvis jannen, se tietää nää jutut'
(11:09) You tell Shiga ':o'
(11:09) You tell Shiga 'ota karjalanpiirakka instead!'
(11:09) You tell Shiga 'taidan mennä syömää kevätkääryleitä!'
(11:09) Shiga tells you ':/ en syö kaupan karjalanpiirakoit'
(11:09) Shiga tells you 'anoppi tekee ite 100x parempia ni ei maistu nuo'
(11:09) You emote to Shiga 'lets out an 'ah' of comprehension as your idea
becomes clear.'
(11:09) You tell Shiga 'onks anoppis varattu?'
(11:10) Shiga tells you 'ei :D'
(11:10) You tell Shiga 'sano terveisiä!'
(11:10) Shiga tells you 'haluux ryhtyä mun appi-puoleks!'
(11:10) You emote to Shiga 'nods at you, 'Yep!'.'
Posted: 02 Oct 2007 01:02 [ permalink ]
Darol tells you 'parempi humalahakuinen juominen kuin jumalahakuinen huominen'
Posted: 29 Sep 2007 21:29 [ permalink ]
(21:17) Jaael tells you 'osaat kyl olla tosi iibyl!'
(21:24) You tell Jaael (idle 6min and 23s) (*kiichigo*) 'oon kiltti ja kiva
(21:27) Jaael tells you 'joo'
(21:27) Jaael tells you 'samaan tapaan ku musta surma'
(21:27) You tell Jaael (*kiichigo*) 'aika ilkeesti sanottu!'
(21:28) Jaael tells you 'noh noh.'
(21:28) Jaael tells you 'musta surmakin kohteli kaikkia yhtalaisesti!'
(21:28) Jaael tells you 'ei halveksinut ketaan'
(21:28) Jaael tells you 'ja kerran ystavystyttyaan ei hylannyt!'
(21:28) Jaael tells you 'kuolemaan asti <3'
Posted: 27 Sep 2007 14:08 [ permalink ]
Juggelo says 'kaikki käy, kyl sä tiijät mitä teet!!'
Juggelo says 'kuha mortit kärsii.'
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 19:45 [ permalink ]
You tell Merioli (fighting) 'jag är säkert att jag godkände det provet!'
Merioli tells you 'with that sentence I doubt it bt GOOD! =)'
Posted: 08 Jul 2007 20:05 [ permalink ]
Juggelo tells you 'kävin mökil tuos'
Juggelo tells you 'tajusin automatkalla ottaneeni itseäni varten 21.6litraa
kaljaa viikonlopulle'
Posted: 30 Sep 2006 13:39 [ permalink ]
Total: 13438 lines and 443444 bytes.
Posted: 14 Feb 2006 17:22 [ permalink ]
From: Foxbat
Date: Tue Feb 14 17:21:14 2006
Subject: Valentine's haiku from kettu with love
valentines day
cruel lampsa hates me so
I just might suicide
Posted: 13 Feb 2006 21:05 [ permalink ]
Juggelo tells you 'huomista varten. Ystävän päivä; Rakkaani syö kakkaani.;
Sulle toivotan.'
Posted: 21 Dec 2005 13:48 [ permalink ]
Total: 10338 lines and 345535 bytes.
Posted: 21 May 2005 13:16 [ permalink ]
Suddenly, a white figure riding a golden dragon appears in the
eastern horizon and rides across the heavens to west leaving an
expanding band of light behind it.. light takes over in a flash
of brilliance and Lampsa is carried into heavens with a golden
chariot pulled by thirteen multicolored bats.

Lampsa is now immortal.
Posted: 08 Apr 2005 00:14 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You fill up your cheeks with air and exhale 'zot mar nak grttzt'
You pull out a small piece of electrum wire which bursts into a zillion
technicolour sparkles!
You watch with selfpride as your electrocution hits Tsapharani.
Tsapharani screams in pain.
Tsapharani loses the privilege to live.
Tsapharani is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 27 Feb 2005 01:17 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You wave your index finger while uttering 'cah mar nak grttzt'  (cold ray)
You pull out a steel arrowhead which bursts into a zillion technicolour
You watch with selfpride as your cold ray hits Wainamoinen.
Wainamoinen screams in pain.
Because of the low amount of unidle players you receive some additional
experience for your kill.
YUCH, Wainamoinen's entrails spill all over the place.
Wainamoinen is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 08 Feb 2005 21:39 [ permalink ]
Conquer calls for a dicing.
Bleezuz rolls: 55.
Garou rolls: 54.
Ruffneck rolls: 29.
Lampsa rolls: 16.
Conquer rolls: 6.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005 01:30 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You roll your eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt'  (golden arrow)
You pull out a copper rod which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!
You watch with selfpride as your golden arrow hits Archmage Sera.
Archmage Sera screams in pain.
Because of the low amount of unidle players you receive some additional
experience for your kill.
Archmage Sera gets an acute case of iron-poisoning.
Archmage Sera is DEAD, R.I.P.
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Gotrek's
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Norz's Kerbholz.
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Broetchen's
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Conquer's
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Blayke's
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Bleezuz's
The magic mist around the dead Archmage Sera's neck leaps to Ruffneck's
Gotrek takes a tiny burning ring <red glow>, Twinkling silver cape
 of true conjurer <red glow>, Moonshade, coral great belt <red glow>, A red
 hat of wizardy <red glow>, a small pile of anipium coins and Prancy
 high-heeled glass shoes <red glow> from a scorched entrails of Archmage Sera.
Posted: 04 Feb 2005 15:26 [ permalink ]
November 20th, 2004.
You are done with the chant.
You roll your eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt'  (golden arrow)
You pull out a copper rod which bursts into a zillion technicolour sparkles!
You watch with selfpride as your golden arrow hits Lord Soth.
Lord Soth screams in pain.
Lord Soth staggers... then falls backwards on the floor. He tries to get to
  his knees, but then eyes you... almost ironically... 
There is a rustling sigh from his helmet. He says in a peaceful voice: 'I...
  thank you for lifting this blackest curse from my soul...'
  ... and then he looks heavenwards and summons his last dieing strength:
The glow from his burning eyes seems to fade and disappear within the depths
  of his helmet.
Amused laughter echoes throughout the heavens.
  A seductive voice says 'Lampsa may have delivered you from your physical
  body... but I still have your soul Soth... still have your soul... still
  have your...'
The voice fades away leaving behind a sense of vengefulness...
Lord Soth staggers for a moment, then drops to the ground, lifeless.
Lord Soth is DEAD, R.I.P.

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 12:18 [ permalink ]
January 18th 2005.
You are done with the chant.
You flap your arms and utter the magic words 'ghht mar nak grttzt'  (blast
You pull out a bronze marble which bursts into a zillion technicolour
You watch with selfpride as your blast vacuum hits Kizarwexius.
Kizarwexius screams in pain.
Kizarwexius GLEAMS brightly and everything is reflected!
Suddenly a dark shadow passes over the moon and the earth shakes violently.  A
horrible roar, which soon rises to a high pitched wail, comes from the lair of
Kizarwexius.  The moon turns red.  Kizarwexius has been slain by Lampsa.
Hit utters a prayer for the fallen foe 'In nomine Faerwon. Amen.'
Bauglir utters a prayer for the fallen foe 'In nomine Faerwon. Amen.'
Kizarwexius suddenly stops breathing and jerks a couple of times violently,
then falls to the ground, lifeless.
Kizarwexius is DEAD, R.I.P.
Posted: 04 Feb 2005 12:13 [ permalink ]
January 20th 2005.
You are done with the chant.
You wave your index finger while uttering 'cah mar nak grttzt'  (cold ray)
You pull out a steel arrowhead which bursts into a zillion technicolour
You watch with selfpride as your cold ray hits Trilloch.
Trilloch screams in pain.

Trilloch mumbles 'I was the best...the best...mmiwwff...'
He spins around backwards and falls over.

.seid eh sa hcollirT eht fo yrc-htaed suodnerroh eht raeh ouY.
.P.I.R ,DAED si hcollirT ehT.
Posted: 04 Feb 2005 12:11 [ permalink ]
January 15th, 2005.
You are done with the chant.
You clap your hands together and say 'fzz mar nak grttzt'  (acid blast)
You pull out a handful of olivine powder which bursts into a zillion
technicolour sparkles!
You feel connected to the very essence of magic.
You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits Rechendak, the Elementalist.
Rechendak, the Elementalist's flex shield wobbles.
Rechendak, the Elementalist staggers for a moment, then drops to the ground,
Rechendak, the Elementalist is DEAD, R.I.P.